Nature resort Hida Kanayama a town of natural clear streams and river fish located in a corner of Gero Onsen Gifu Prefecture
In the summer of 2020 the minshuku guest house cafe Hanairokuri opened
The location is convenient for access to Gujo Gero Nakatsugawa Ena etc
You can enjoy a quiet private space
This is an inn where you can also enjoy experiencing nature
我用它來慶祝他的生日。我在 Jalan net 上預訂了周年紀念計劃。當我預訂時,我想在他不知道的情況下支付住宿費,在旅館的所需欄中。可以嗎?我填寫並進行了預訂,但是直到我入住的前一天,旅館都沒有聯繫。他說他會安排好讓對方不知道。另外,如果您來自名古屋,請更改它以便您可以在包間享用晚餐,如果您在掛斷電話之前收到縣折扣說明後,請使用它!我掛了電話,印象非常好。入住當天,接到旅館的電話,回電時(與確認預訂時不同),說是縣內優惠,縣外人無法進行PCR檢測免費,來自 Jalan net。我被告知預訂時不會享受縣級折扣,我在打電話時嘗試通過打開 Jalan net 來取消,但我不能。我現在還沒有看到那個屏幕……” “我不知道 PCR 檢測的價格。”我想知道你是否在沒有調查任何事情的情況下給我打電話,但因為我打算用它來慶祝,所以我可以接受縣級折扣。並掛斷了電話。 (入住後想寫點評,但未經允許取消了預訂)我在客棧附近觀光改變心情,好像又接到客棧的電話,沒注意到接聽機器。當我問起時,他說:“關於縣折扣,我有話要說,所以請撥打 090 聯繫我。”儘管我沒有再說什麼,但我還是很生氣,因為他們讓我打不同的號碼。見我生氣了,他給我打了電話,我問他是什麼聯繫人,他說:“你有檢驗證明,因為你要使用縣折扣嗎?”以防萬一,他帶來了測試證書,所以他被允許使用Kenminwari。我一邊聽著電話一邊吃驚,但還是決定直奔旅館。本來準備在晚飯前洗個澡,去前台付住宿費的時候,卻被告知:“我還沒準備好。”你是在電話裡告訴我的嗎?當我告訴他時,他說:“我還不能進入……”。 “我準備好了就給你打電話。”他洗完澡就在房間裡,所以他畢竟是有名的。晚餐時間到了,年輕的老闆娘?我不知道你是誰,但是(因為客棧裡沒有人自我介紹),我拍得很開心。第二天早上,同一個人為我準備了早餐,我和他一起回家感覺很舒服。當我歸還房間鑰匙,準備離開客棧時,一個70多歲的嬌小女人轉向他問我:“你快要出生了嗎?”我什麼也說不出來,因為我不知道他在說什麼。我正和他一起往車上走,但我漸漸想起了之前說過的話,對他說:“對不起,我不能原諒剛才的人,所以我先走了一會兒。”他說:“沒關係,我們現在走吧。”但我不允許。準備晚餐和早餐的年輕老闆娘和罵人的人並排站著,他攔住了我,我下了車。我仍然對上週日早上發生的事情感到憤怒。有句話說,一切都好,結局好。我想大多數人留在這裡是為了放鬆身心,慶祝週年紀念日、生日和其他場合。一天結束的時候,當我送走他時,他說了一些侮辱人體的話並笑了起來。他和我都因為他而非常沮喪和毀滅。如果你和人一起工作,你為什麼不至少在最後說再見?當我認為我只是這樣生活時,我感到同情。我很遺憾預訂了這家旅館。不值得像其他人評論的那樣評價。實在是太可惜了。
訪訪客I'm struggle to put my review in words cause I am amazed by the services offered by the hotel and the staffs. First of all, upon reaching Gero station from Nagoya station using Hida Line, we are thrilled by the surrounding atmosphere and we took our time snapping photos around not knowing that the hotel offers a free shuttle bus for all their customers. The driver waited patiently at the exit gate, holding the hotel sign board waiting for all customers to leave the Gero station. This is a real PLUS in our stays. After we checked in, the staff lead us to our rooms and explained to us on the facilities of the hotel and the staff helped to exchange the size of Yukata after studying our heights. Very observant and thoughtful. There are 3 different hot springs in the hotel and if you have time, you can visit all of them. You can always put on your Yukata and walk inside the hotel region, including the stunning Japanese garden. Just that, most of the services/shops in the hotel are closed on 9pm JST. Remember to plan properly. The room is very spacious with 2 comfortable beds, a small tatami region for you to enjoy your private Japanese tea time. We love the breakfast provided by the hotel as it offered variety of both Japanese and Western breakfast. There is a shuttle bus service (usually once per hour for instance 10am, 11am and 12 noon) to fetch the customers back to Gero station. The staff waved us good bye is another amazing experience provided by Japanese. It is just amazing feeling. Tips: 1. You can purchase the 5Days JR pass and enjoy unlimited ride on some JR trains if you plan to visit Nagoya region and a day trip to Tateyama Alpine Kurobe route. 2. There are not many tourists during our visiting time (24 April 2023) and we love the peaceful feeling of it. Just that, it also comes with not many restaurants are available during the day.
CConstanceThis appears to be a family-run business with warm hearted hospitality. The hosts didn’t speak much English but we managed to use a digital translator to communicate.
Am grateful the hotel provides free shuttle pick up from Hida Osaka Train station. We had to get our previous hotel to ring Senyukan to inform them
about the expected timing of our train arrival. We appreciate the immense patience of the hotel shuttle driver. She put up with 2 changes of timing of our train arrival because of significant delays from the Highway bus from Nagoya to Takayama where we had to connect to Hida Osaka Train station.
We had booked to stay 3 nights and loved every moment of the stay. The kaiseki Hida Beef dinner had the perfect balance of sweet/sour/ salty taste. Each dinner also had a cooked fish either grilled, steamed or poached, in addition to sashimi ( raw seafood). The soup was exquisitely flavourful as was the freshly prepared salad and tempura ( deep fried vegetable fritters). All the food items were plated with pleasing artistry.
We had booked the hotel for its hotsprings which lived up to their therapeutic reputation. Although the sex-segregated pools were for hotel guests,
we found ourselves often the only ones who used them at the time. Highly recommend this hotel for its affordability and wonderful value-added hospitality.
The only downside of the hotel is that the wifi signal is not always stable in the guest rooms. But wifi is more accessible from the hotel lobby.