2023 年 10 月 1 日
1. 酒店內的wifi信號差,上網速度慢
2. 熱水不熱,洗着洗着有點冷
3. 根本沒有窗口,存在虛假宣傳
4. 隔音差,可以清晰地聽到外面的聲音
5. 不透氣,房間很悶
6. 房間小,挪不動身子
7. 泳池沒有救生員,安全措施缺失
8. 酒店環境偏,距離遠
9. 酒店附近路燈少,不安全
10. 酒店外油煙大,噪聲多,在酒店大堂坐了十分鐘,渾身都是油煙味
11. 酒店物品不齊全,沒有拖鞋等物品
12. 電視只有四個台可以看
Twelve faults of hotels
1. The wifi signal in the hotel is poor, and the Internet is terrible
2. The hot water is not hot, it is a little cold to bath
3. There is no window at all, there is fake propaganda about the window
4. Poor sound insulation, you can clearly hear the sound outside
5. It's not ventilated. The room is stuffy
6. The room is too small to move your body
7. There are no safe guaranteeing procedures in the pool and safety measures are lacking
8. The hotel is very far away from the city
9. There are few street lights near the hotel, which is dark and unsafe
10. There is a lot of smoke and noise outside the hotel
11. Hotel items are not complete, there are no slippers and other items
12. There are only four TV channels to watch