
錢伯斯堡萬豪SpringHill Suites飯店
4.5/589 評價
If you are familiar with and like the Springhill Suites brand then this will be a good choice for you. It's very new, is typical of the latest Springhill design, with friendly staff and clean, comfortable rooms. It's a basic hotel, let's be clear, but it's done well. The rooms are larger than a typical hotel room and divided in a way to provide a living area and a sleeping area divided by a work desk (not a closed-door suite, to be clear). Large walk-in closet with lots of shelving. Trundle bed which can sleep two extra people. Bathroom door is a slider with frosted glass which was fine however if one person is up earlier than the others it could brighten the whole room. Ideally they would have put a solid sliding door there instead of the tempered glass. Shower was nice with great pressure. HVAC was effective and comfortable. Breakfast in the morning was very basic but fine for what it is. There's a VERY small indoor pool. My request for a high floor away from elevator (made on the Bonvoy app chat earlier in the day) was accommodated and appreciated. Well-situated off I-81 with a lot of chain restaurants around and a large retail development including a large Target. While everything is new and works now I hope they maintain this place well because already there were some towel rods that were loose, some chips in the shower floor, and some signs that this place was built a bit on the cheap - like many chain hotels are these days I've found. So it's all good now but I hope they maintain it well or else it will show its age earlier than it should. Would definitely return if I'm passing through the area or have business in the region.


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