坦林 | 距離Binus University Campus Joseph Wibowo Center4.48km
坐落於坦林,不論您是商務出差還是休閒旅遊雅加達雅詩閣住宅飯店都是理想的下榻之處。從飯店出發,至雅加達Gambir火車站僅有1km遠。附近很多景點,包括Dancing Fountain、SOCIAL HOUSE和Plaza Indonesia XXI都離飯店不遠。飯店坐落於國家博物館 邊,附近還有很多景點包括印尼國家博物館和Museum Monas。所有極具特色的客房都配備有雨傘、熨衣設備和房內保險箱,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋、24小時熱水和浴缸的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,飯店可以提供房間送餐服務。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,Seribu Rasa(東南亞菜)會供應一流的推薦美味黑胡椒蟹,SKYE Bar & Restaurant(西餐)的烤羊小腿也頗受歡迎,Cabe Ijo Seafood Resto(海鮮)也是家值得去的地方。飯店的健身設施有室外泳池和健身室。飯店的商務中心提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裡的原因。飯店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。
Good location in the central city. The hotel lies between 2 big malls, the Grand Indonesia and Thamrin City. It is surrounded by vibrant food street vendors - where you can try local food and experience local food culture. The room has kitchen, refrigerator, water dispensing machine and utensils.
I have 2 problems - TV remote wasn't working (no batteries) and hot water shower didn't work. But the staff quickly response and fix the issue.
Checking was seamless and quick.
坦林 | 距離Binus University Campus Joseph Wibowo Center4.97km
在坦林中央商務區的中心地帶,矗立著一家充滿活力的城市飯店,印尼雅加達鉑爾曼飯店。我們設有 427 間帶室內遊樂場的豪華客房,歡迎前來體驗。我們的 Sana Sini 和 Kahyangan 餐廳供應國際美食,將讓您大飽口福。您可以去 The Back Room 感受城市的酒吧氛圍,去 Le Chocolat 品嚐香甜美味的巧克力,還可以去 Makaron 選購新鮮焙烤的糕點。飯店地理位置優越,片刻即可抵達坦林環島以及大印尼購物中心和印尼廣場的高端購物場所。方便乘坐公共交通工具。
訪訪客用戶Hotel dengan konsep mezanine yang unik. Kamar yang cukup luas, namun tolong tingaktkan lagi pengawasan kebersihannya. Karna banyak debu, dan pertama masuk seperti kamar yang tidak di bersihkan, namun pihak hotel langsung recleaning kamar
訪訪客用戶The cleanliness and room are OK.
Amenities are reasonable for the price I paid around 60USD/night or a bit less.
What I complain is about the slopes next to the stairs at the hotel. There are two main buildings of the hotel. There is no problem to move from the main building where the restaurant is located to the second building where I stayed. Yet, it's a hassle to move my luggage on my own as there are many steep slopes next to the stairs. I forgot to take the pictures of them.
The breakfast was so so. Not many options and the taste was average. I'd prefer to stay at another hotel nearby if I have to travel around the area.
TTALAL MOHAMMAD HUSSEINY這家旅館的好處是位置,因為它靠近許多景點和餐廳。價格也實惠,但是房間裡的空調不好或功能不好。游泳池不是那麼乾淨,但還可以……但是,我對酒店的主要問題是服務一般……他們需要時間來打掃房間,有一次我出去後不得不告訴他們三遍一整天,回到酒店後,令我驚訝的是,儘管我打開了客房服務按鈕,他們甚至沒有打掃或整理我的房間。
AAnsarGoThe sheets are stained
There is an unpleasant smell
The air conditioner is loud and rattling
The location of the hotel is excellent
The staff is great
I can't say the service is bad
Food was brought to the room
The Internet is relatively good, video calling, uploading videos to YouTube is fast, there were no problems with the Internet
I chose this hotel because of the Internet, purely based on reviews on other sites, the Internet was important for my work. And also the location of the hotel is near the center.