查看我們在坎昆的頂級評價 3星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


3.3/5106 評價
4/551 評價
3.5/5102 評價
It was my worst experience in a resort. Worst employee reception, terrible service, really bad infrastructure maintenance, worst guest service experience. The cost may be a little lower than other resorts, but the savings are not worthwhile since it may ruin your vacation time there. Pictures from the site are edited and do not represent the reality. I strongly recommend you to choose another option. If you want more details: - We had 4 rooms - 3 of them had water clogging in the shower, 2 of them we needed to change during the week (1 due to water link problems, other because the door did not open). - For the room that did not open the door, it was 10PM, we went downstairs asking for help 4 times, and their attitude was always that it was our problem. We then asked someone to go with us (at 4th time), and they finally realized that it was a problem with the door. They sent maintenance that arrived asking for a key with no clue about what was happening. We asked guest service support and their attitude again was that it was our problem and they were doing a for us. They finally decided to give another room for us, and when we asked for additional keys for the new room, they said we needed to go downstairs to get it, they could not get it for us. Everything with the worst attitude from them. - The following day, they called us to say that we had a ”FREE” reservation as a ”GIFT” due to our inconvenience - small detail: the FREE reservation was in a restaurant that was already included on the all inclusive resort, which means it was already FREE - so what exactly was the gift for the inconvenience?? - The air conditioner at lobby or restaurants does not work properly, and you continue to feel the warm and humidity from outside. Unless you stay closed in your room, you don´t have any other place to enjoy a little cool temperature. - There was just one elevator working, for thousands of guests - Restaurants had huge lines every night and the food was always the same - One night, we had a reservation to one of the restaurants. They brought a beer that was completely warm and without ANY GAS. It was TERRIBLE. We asked to change, and they brought another one that was exactly the same. And got upset because we complained that the beer was not cold and had not sparkling. - The bathrooms are the smallest that I had ever seen. Now I understand why there is no picture from the bathroom at the site. - The receptionists were all in bad moon to attend you, ALWAYS. If you expect a smile from any employee there, you are at the wrong place. - When we went for check out, the receptionist was SLEEPING, with the cell phone playing a movie. He never asked if we enjoyed our stay, he never said the common words that you at least expect: have safe flights, hope you had enjoyed... kind of minimum from a hotel, don´t wait for this at Oasis. - If you need any additional support, don´t wait it from Oasis. Even if the support is to get a Band-Aid... you need to wait for a
3.4/544 評價
不錯的酒店-小而美,海前,房間大,但有點過時。工作人員很棒-維森特是必須見面的!他在酒店周圍的酒吧工作,超級超級棒!他是酒店的生活,字面上。他照顧了我的家人,並超越了一切,以確保我們沒事!他絕對需要我在這裏給予的所有3個開始:-))其他朋友是米格爾(酒吧),塔尼(瑜伽)和埃爾齊拉(游泳池區域支持) - 很棒的服務!負面:食物!我們住了14晚以上,如果我們在任何一個餐館吃飯5次太多了。你看起來到處都是低質量的食物和無味的甜點。至少令人失望。我們每天離開酒店,在連鎖店的其他餐廳(更好的食物)吃飯。飲料選擇也很低,沒有品牌酒和一種啤酒選擇。另一個不那麼好的地方:娛樂團體。他們肯定有一些機會吸引客人,而不是所有準備提供水玩具。我得到了不同的時間和不同的程序,如何預訂槳板,14天后我無法將其取出。最新的藉口是“風”(在一個超級晴朗的下午)。小組中唯一的女孩是如此的棒 - 她應該是主角 - 不幸的是,我忘記了她的名字 :- ( 總的來說,假期的好時光,錯過了很棒的食物!謝謝,VICENTE!!!!
2.8/515 評價
Ojo, estas fotos que ponen NO CORRESPONDEN A LO REAL. Positivo: la cercanìa al ADO, que la tv/cable funcionan muy bien al igual que el wifi, que hay agua caliente y el señor que se queda en la madrugada buena onda, nos abrìa siempre que llegàbamos tarde. De ahì en fuera la verdad està muy viejo, sucio, descuidado y deteriorado. Uno entiende que hay precios accesibles pero no por eso vas a ofrecer al cliente un muladar y un servicio de porquerìa. Se ve que al dueño de este lugar lo que menos le preocupa son los clientes pues la habitaciòn en general es un asco. Muy sucio. Entrando a la habitaciòn encontramos una cucaracha muerta. Pensè en pedir cambio de inmediato pero mi esposo me dijo que al entrar oliò mucho a insecticida, asì que lo que hubiera ya se habìa muerto y asì fue. Ni pensar en dormir abajo de las cobijas pues las sàbanas rotas, viejas y se veìan asquerosas. Lo mismo con el lavabo (asqueroso es poco) y la bañera ni se diga, se sentìa pegajosa de lo sucia que estaba (me arrepentì de no llevar chanclas). Paredes sucias, almohadas puerquìsimas, la cortina de la bañera con muchìsimos puntos *****s por la humedad, la làmpara del baño rota, poca luz pues solo hay una ventanita chiquita... El joven que nos atendiò pues X, muy exigentito para el mugrero que es. La chica del aseo se pone a cantar las del Buki a las 10am asì que si te desvelas obvio te despierta (ademàs nosotros que lo alucinamos, tantito peor); y yo no se què limpia o què cambia porque la verdad todo està horrible. En la vida me vuelvo a quedar aquì.
3.6/5110 評價
我住了 3 晚,我訂了一間可以看到我自己的陽台的房間,他們給了我一間有兩張單人床的房間,可以看到一堵牆,什麼都沒有,在接待處並沒有太大幫助,但是工作人員餐廳都非常細心,非常樂於助人,清潔女工bravoooo, 我會在二月份回來,希望能得到我支付的房間,否則整個團隊都做得很好!!!!謝謝!!!



最高價格TWD 40,667
最低價格TWD 1,036
平均價格 (平日)TWD 4,914
平均價格 (週末)TWD 4,943