正在查找Sheikh El Balad Restaurants附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


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正在尋找Sheikh El Balad Restaurants附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/513 評價
4.2/547 評價
So, I booked this room months in advance. As we approached the arrival date, I emailed the hotel to let them know that we had a late flight coming in at around midnight. I wanted to make sure there were no issues. They replied back that it wasn't going to be a problem. The day before we arrived the hotel emailed me asking about our arrival time. Once again I told them that it was going to be a late arrival and the assured us it was not going to be a problem. We arrived at the hotel only to be told that they sold our room to someone else. I inquired as to how this could happen considering I communicated with them twice, the most recent being less than 24 hours. They didn't really have an answer, but told us that they we're going to take us to a sister hotel that was just as nice. We sat around waiting for them to get a driver to take us to this other hotel. While I was waiting I decided to look up this hotel which they told us was nicer than theirs. That was an outright lie, and this 'better hotel' was about $20 a night and had mediocre, at best, reviews. After waiting about 45 minutes to be taken to this other hotel, I learned it was about a 5-minute walk. Extremely frustrated, and it now being after 1:00 a.m. in the morning after 15 hours of flying, I decided to just walk to this other hotel. Keep in mind I've got my wife and son with me and I've never been to Cairo before. This was a very uncomfortable, highly concerning, and alarming experience. The next morning, we had planned to get up and begin our visit of Cairo, but we couldn't do that because we had to check out of this hotel, and walk to our original hotel. Once we got there, we had to sit and wait for the room we paid for to be ready. You would think the manager or owner would come over and at the very least apologize. This never happened, and as it stands I'm questioning whether or not I should dispute the charge that I paid on my credit card for a room we never received. What's most concerning, is that this hotel has a pattern for doing this. If you search other reviews online, you will find that this is happening to other customers. It would seem that they like to pull you in with the allure of their own nice hotel, only to shove you off to a lesser hotel and keep the money. My warning to anyone reading this, if you're planning on booking at this hotel, have a backup plan. You don't want to be like me where I have my wife and son at 1:00 in the morning coming into a foreign country only to find out they gave your room to someone else after you verified it twice. I would not stay at this hotel again if it was free. It is 100% not worth the risk
4/566 評價
Obiekt słabo oznakowany. W dzień jest niemożliwe znalezienie obiektu, ponieważ nazwa hotelu świeci się tylko w nocy. Nazwa hotelu jest w mało widocznym miejscu. Personel pomocny. Pokój i łazienka czyste. Miałem zastrzeżenia co do czystości pościeli. Wyglądała na czystą ale odczucie było inne. Śniadania odżywcze i sycące ale przy dłuższych pobytach ( więcej niż dwa dni) mogą być monotonne.
3.8/545 評價
4.4/550 評價
我和妻子在開羅度過了一個快速的24-hour中途停留,想在長途旅行回家之前看到金字塔和獅身人面像,放鬆一下。四季以各種可能的方式交付。禮賓部安排在機場接我們(從沙姆沙伊赫飛來),然後在上午9:30之前把我們送到我們的房間。然後我們有時間去更新,享受輕鬆的早餐,然後與我們的司機和導遊見面,前往景點。我們的旅遊司機以及往返機場的往返旅程是Mohsen Ahmed,他很棒。我們的導遊Ash Saad Saghloul也很出色,兩位紳士都照顧得很好,在任何時候都沒有趕,還留下了任何額外的側遊(購物)完全取決於我們。下午早些時候我們回到酒店,這樣我們就可以放鬆了。然後我們在8點吃了一頓早晚餐,這和評論一樣好(是的,我們有點心和中餐,俯尼羅河,作爲我們告別埃及的晚餐)。我們的房間非常舒適,從陽台上可以看到尼羅河和金字塔的景色,感覺非常特別。總而言之,這是開羅完美的24小時,正是我們想要的。感謝所有在四季,使這種情況發生,使它變得如此簡單和舒適。
4.3/552 評價
在尼羅河畔,由於是臨時訂的,開羅房價着實不便宜。check in的時候前台還拚命要up selling,感覺有點煩。大堂超級小,感覺隔壁的洲際排場比較大。不過這裏可能會更溫馨。 亮點的話,就是酒店讓人感覺很溫馨,門口還有金毛的小屋。樓頂的泳池吧景色不錯(位子比較少),早餐也不錯感覺更像行政酒廊。 客房用品質量一般,紙巾盒掉皮,一次性拖鞋也是壞的。


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