The Riad hotel is located not far from the city center of Bukittinggi. From the Riad Hotel to the tourist area, it can be reached by car in just 5 minutes. And from the Riad Hotel to the souvenir center area is also not too far away. This hotel is suitable for you travelers who bring family or personally. Due to affordable room rates and adequate room facilities.顯示更多
The Riad hotel is located not far from the city center of Bukittinggi. From the Riad Hotel to the tourist area, it can be reached by car in just 5 minutes. And from the Riad Hotel to the souvenir center area is also not too far away. This hotel is suitable for you travelers who bring family or personally. Due to affordable room rates and adequate room facilities.
The Riad hotel is located not far from the city center of Bukittinggi. From the Riad Hotel to the tourist area, it can be reached by car in just 5 minutes. And from the Riad Hotel to the souvenir center area is also not too far away. This hotel is suitable for you travelers who bring family or personally. Due to affordable room rates and adequate room facilities.