住宿方回覆: Hi Moerbendiyichunqing, Thank you for your feedback. We are glad you enjoyed the room cleanliness and service. We're sorry to hear that your stay did not meet your expectations. Your input is important to us, and we hope to enhance your experience in the future. Best regards, The Management
入住於 2023 年 12 月
24 則評論
發布於 2024 年 1 月 7 日
酒店非常新淨,由於在這邊住上五天,覺得位置雖不及George Town 那麼遊客區,但大山腳這邊也有自己的特色,而且要前往George Town 不選繁忙時間,基本上半小時內即可抵達個景點。Grab 打車方便, 酒店職員友善,笑容可掬而且會及時為理解決問題,我不小心訂錯了雙床房,詢問可否更改,由於當時已沒有大床,他們慷慨地直接升級至兩個房間的行政房,廚房可以煮簡歺,但檳城美食很多,對面馬路及轉角後面的Icon City 及 888 Family Food court 已經令有貪吃但胃小的我們十分為難,對面的噢噢咖啡店紅遍東南亞,可能是新開張分店,連Google地圖都未有,所以不用老遠跑到George Town 那邊排隊。酒店有shuttle bus前往某部份商場,很貼心啊。最後一直想試Ascot 的service apartment, 原來Citadine 就是其下品牌,所以服務及房間質素很有保證。
住宿方回覆: Hi HeroXu,Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience caused regarding the breakfast and the payment issues. We will review our breakfast offerings and clarify the tax collection process with Ctrip to avoid future misunderstandings. We also appreciate your suggestion about WeChat and Alipay and will consider this for future improvements.Best regards,The Management
住宿方回覆: Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted that you enjoyed our facilities, cleanliness, and service. It was our pleasure to assist in returning your belongings. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!