正在查找Plaza Monseñor de Andrea附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Plaza Monseñor de Andrea附近的熱門飯店


4.5/572 評價


布宜諾斯艾利斯|距離Plaza Monseñor de Andrea2km
酒店地理位置很好,位於布宜諾斯艾利斯雷科萊塔區,這裡是這個城市最棒的酒店。酒店的環境很好,服務正如你所期望的一樣也很優質。迎賓團也棒極了- 克勞迪奧、埃斯佩蘭薩、朱利安……他們總是儘力讓你在這裏經歷一個完美的住宿。這意味着我們能得到博卡青年隊比賽,並且還配有想到,參觀城市 有私人司機和嚮導,在Faena觀看鬥牛表演,要預定這些都是很困難的。很少能遇到這麼好的服務團隊,他們不僅能夠承諾你想要的一切,還會努力實現這些。我們的房間位於7層的角落,房間有會客區、化妝間、卧室和浴室。“豪華”這個詞也不能很好地表達這裏。房間很安靜,很適合入睡。健身房很好,我們的房費包括使用健身房。高度推薦這裏的火燒牛肉-燒烤桌頗為壯觀。無論你是否在阿爾韋阿爾皇宮酒店入住,都要去這裏的酒吧喝些東西。但並不是所有的東西都是最好的,自助早餐有奇怪的攤雞蛋,配有黃油和鹽,沒有炒雞蛋或者煮雞蛋。事實上,唯一熱的早餐就是剛才提到的沒法吃的雞蛋,做的過熟的培根肉、香腸和土豆,我都沒有胃口吃飯了。果汁、麵包都很棒,這種高檔次的酒店竟然提供蛋清、煮蛋和煎蛋卷,這令我們感到很奇怪。所以,如果我們再來這裏入住的話,不會要含早餐的住宿套餐。目前,鬥牛舞衹是政府支撐着用來帶來財政收入的方式。歷史悠久的La Belia 咖啡館、公墓和一些博物館裏這家酒店都衹有幾步之遙。這裏真的是世界上最棒的酒店。強烈推薦這裏,你在這裏花的每一份錢都很值得。
帕拉西奧都豪 - 布宜諾斯艾利斯柏悅飯店
4.7/576 評價

帕拉西奧都豪 - 布宜諾斯艾利斯柏悅飯店

布宜諾斯艾利斯市中心 布宜諾斯艾利斯|距離Plaza Monseñor de Andrea2.12km
布宜諾斯艾利斯柏悅飯店坐落在著名的 Avenida Alvear 區,地處布宜諾斯艾利斯的住宅及購物區的中心地帶, 科隆劇院、著名博物館和日本花園等均近在咫尺。飯店所有客房面積為 33 到 40 平方米不等,並將以花園、宮殿和城市的美麗景緻來歡迎顧客的光臨。 客房設施非常豪華,包括大床、帶獨立浴缸和步入式淋浴系統的大理石浴室、浴袍以及管家和洗衣服務。 此外,在客房內還配備有平面 LCD 電視、CD-DVD 播放機以及帶高速和無線因特網接入的獨立辦公空間。布宜諾斯艾利斯柏悅飯店共有 915 平方米的活動空間,包括一間 300 平方米的宴會廳、六間會議室及一間私人沙龍。 所有會議室均提供視聽設備和高速無線因特網接入。 飯店安排有專門的會議專業人士,隨時準備為各場活動提供強有力的支持。 飯店還設有獨立的 24 小時商務中心,配備有四個辦公區、高速因特網接入和文祕服務。飯店的健身房和水療中心共設有五間美容和全身護理水療套房、各種健身器械及室內天台空間。 此外,旅客還可以盡情地享用 25 米的室內溫水泳池。 就餐場所包括:Duhau 餐廳及露台,供應精緻阿根廷菜餚;Gioia 餐廳及露台,供應義大利和國際特色美食。 此外,顧客還可在 Piano Nobile 酒廊品嚐小點心和傳統茶飲,或前往 The Oak 酒吧品嚐清爽雞尾酒和美味點心。







正在尋找Plaza Monseñor de Andrea附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
Howard Johnson by Wyndham Hotel Abasto
4/51 評價
3.8/561 評價
服務似乎有點斷章取意,因為我們在接待處沒有找到任何人,清潔 10 分,非常漂亮和舒適的公寓
4/549 評價
The worst I’ve ever been treated by hotel staff in my entire life. The agency made a mistake and booked the wrong room. Instead of being patient and helping resolve the issue, the small angry man at the reception named Maximiliano Schiaffino pounded his fists on my door demanding that I leave the room every 10 min. Each time showing me another copy of the incorrect reservation (as if it was my fault lol). He slammed the door shut on me, lost his temper, and banged on the door several times. Hotel Arenales please hire people with patience without aggresive tendencies. Problems happen with bookings and this is not how the client should be treated. I was planning on staying over a week here but because of this incident I was forced to cancel early and leave. **Note: The hotel has no pool! The photo on goggle is incorrent, and the standard room is the size of a tiny closet.
3.9/523 評價
房間裏的豪華,人人非常友好,總是願意幫助,一切都按我們要求的行事。 我們很快就會回來
4.1/538 評價
The rooms are nice and clean but the amenities are poor for the price. The managemant staff is exceedingly rude and unsympathetic to problems. I was the water park getting onto a tube ride and while helping me into the tube the my hand slipped out of the attendents hand and I fell backwards hitting my lower back on the cement steps. I was is extreme agony and could barely breathe. I didn't know it at the time but I had broken a bone in my back. The attendent asked me if I could walk down the 5 flights of stairs and I told him I could barely move. He said the oly way down then is in the tube on the ride which I was forced to do. It was excruciating. At the bottom of the ride I told that attendent what happened and he told me to go to the health center in the hotel. He should have called security to help me back to the hotel. My daughter slowly helped me back to the hotel. I was told to file a report with security who took me to the clinic in the hotel. I thought they would have someone look at it especially since they were partially responsible, but I was told I could either pay by credit card or charge the visit to my room. I was supposed to stay 2 more days but decided to leave a day early to be examined back in the US at a doctor I knew. They would not refund the last day of my stay but had the nerve to offer me a ”late checkout” for a day that was already paid for. To add insult to injury they overcharged me $50/day which I luckily caught before I left. They explained that when the census of the hotel goes up the computer automatically raise the rates, despie the fact that my room confirmation had a different rate. So if you go to the Hyatt go over your final bill very carefully.
