正在查找Skatepark Le Hangar Darwin附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Skatepark Le Hangar Darwin附近的熱門飯店






3.9/581 評價


波爾多|距離Skatepark Le Hangar Darwin0.57km
This hotel is not a hotel. It is more a hostel. At hotel prices. It is dirty. It stank when we got there, of nothing I'd ever experienced before. And I've spent many a night backstage at music festivals. It is hot. It has one window which can be opened and it needs to be open as otherwise you are in a sauna. And that's with the windows facing north. Heaven help those on the other side of the place, no really, I am worried about you. Because of the open window, even with the shutter closed, no air comes in but what you do get is noise, doors slamming all night long, loud horrendous music from their bar. Or you don't shut the shutter and leave the room open at ground level to anyone wanting to dive right in. It is priced at hotel prices. It is not eco. In any way. Being eco means designing a building to be suitable for use in an ecological fashion. This place is badly designed, badly fitted out, has no amenities and is just a cheap and nasty hostel. By the way, we also got bitten by a plague of things from the moment we got there to the moment we left. We should have gone after the first night but you live and learn. Such a fantastic city, this place should be condemned. What a waste of money. The only nice bit is the potager plants and herbs on the rear walkway. Which of course you see quite alot of as you don't want to spend any more time than necessary in the actual room. Oh and we couldn't lock the door from the inside, as it had recently been smashed in.



正在尋找Skatepark Le Hangar Darwin附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.6/547 評價
我在波爾多市中心巴斯蒂德宜必思經濟酒店住了2個不同的日期,我白天在接待處的一位工作人員(這位年輕女士自稱是酒店的經理)的經歷非常糟糕非常粗魯。她不想讓我們的行李只保存5個小時,這種服務在宜必思酒店是最低的,我相信,我知道因爲我在不同國家住了不同的宜必思酒店(里斯本,蓋維瓦,伊斯坦布爾,南特,倫敦和巴黎)她認爲客人的所有行李都有細菌,注意不是病毒,而是細菌。驚人的!當然,我們都生活在細菌中,也許我們的商品也有細菌,如果你認爲深度那麼就不要在酒店接待任何客戶!第一:馬桶不乾淨:無論你沖水多少次,裏面總是有難聞的味道(一種尿味) 第二:早餐很差不值得6.50歐元,你最好去市場吃自己的食物,肯定你會用那個價格得到一些優質食材,因爲他們的餐廳在covid-19期間停業(對我來說,他們正在獲利covid-19的情況是不正確的。因爲其他酒店一直開他們的餐廳做早餐服務)。在房間裏吃飯不實用。第三:酒店位置不實用,離哪裏都遠!如果你願意在晚上晚些時候回到酒店,你最好小心,它看起來不安全,因爲酒店位於一個非常平靜和與市中心隔離的地方。有了這個價格,你肯定會有更好的房間和更好的服務。
3.5/547 評價
我的歐洲之旅的計劃是預訂景點附近的房間,這樣我們就可以步行,沒有車。這家酒店之所以有效,是因為它位於市中心,靠近許多旅遊和活動開始的旅遊辦公室。 辦理入住手續需要您前往拐角處的Hotel de 4酒店的辦公桌 - 這家酒店不設前台。一旦註冊,你就可以漫步並使用你的密碼通過外面的安全門 - 你的第一把鑰匙通過內部安全門 - 然後你騎小電梯或爬上螺旋樓梯(牆壁看起來像材料從前一世紀開始)另一把鑰匙打開你的房門。 房間是斯巴達。如此微小,只有一個人可以放在蜜蜂的腳和牆壁之間。您的家具只有床,壁掛式電視,便攜式風扇(沒有空調)和可操作的洗手間。美國酒店常規提供的設施都不是。 底樓有一間小餐廳,您可以額外付費享用早餐 - 我們選擇漫步到當地的一家小商店,在戶外享用我們的羊角麵包, 我的妻子告訴我,這是千禧一代和年輕的歐洲人喜歡的那種房間 - 一個安全,方便的地方睡覺,而不是做其他事情。所以住宿是值得的,我們對波爾多的享受因其優越的地理位置而得到提升。
4.3/571 評價
雖然不在鎮中心,但這家公寓式酒店乾淨,經營良好,交通便利。就在中心外,短途電車可以到達你想看和做的很多地方,使它成爲一個方便的住宿地點。這個街區並不特別風景如畫,是舊船廠改建成商店、餐館和藝術空間的發展中地區的一部分。到新Cite du Vin也只是一小段路,有點浪費時間和金錢。你最好把你的時間和錢花在真正的酒廠裏。
4/545 評價
3.6/576 評價
4.7/567 評價
First time in Bordeaux, we booked a nice room here. Honestly, we're lucky enough that we're used to staying in top hotels, and this place blew us away. I'd go back to Bordeaux just to stay here again. The term ”boutique hotel” is so over-used these days, but Villas Foch is truly a boutique hotel. It's small, independently operated. In a nice quiet residential area. The service was off the charts. Everyone was so friendly and helpful to us. The hotel itself is absolutely gorgeous inside. I have no idea who the designer was, but huge kudos to them. The rooms are gorgeous, common areas are gorgeous. Breakfast was great. The bar here is great. Room was super comfy, bed was comfy, AC was great. The staff could not have been better. Like everyone went out of their way to make sure we were having a good time. Really, I can't recommend this hotel highly enough. Huge thank you to the staff here, we had a wonderful stay.
