斯堪迪克挪威飯店於1885年首次開業,從此成為挪威的標誌性建築,也是卑爾根著名的飯店之一。 2018年6月,飯店經過全面翻修後重新開業,現在是一個非常具有代表性的現代化飯店,同時,也是一個非常受歡迎的的聚會場所,充滿活力和獨特的氛圍。建築師從城市周邊的大自然中汲取靈感。因此,室內設計反映了高品質,現代,北歐設計,並且體現在許多獨特的細節當中。飯店擁有415間全新時尚的飯店客房,配有美麗的落地窗,享有卑爾根山景,燈光和城市氛圍。如果您想要一個景觀房,您可以預訂一個朝向Lille Lungegardsvannet湖的景觀房,或者如果您想要自己的陽台,您可以選擇一個陽台房。如果您還想要更奢華的體驗,您可以選擇入住我們的7間寬敞的大型套房,或者我們的主套房,The Dolk套房或超過60平方米的zui大的套房,The Hotel Norge Suite。我們所有的套房都設有露台,享有美景。 The Hotel Norge Suite套房的露台上設有桑拿浴室和按摩浴缸,您可以在那裡放鬆身心並欣賞卑爾根的美景。
Things are different! We found a two bed room is really more like a room with a king bed. Well, OK, but not what we expected. The room was quite small, but worked pretty well. There is a metal frame that serves as a place to hang clothing, several shelves so you can put clothing out, but no drawer storage. There was a TV, you could make coffee/tea in the room (if you wanted). Biggest surprise: the bathroom was fully suitable for an RV. I could touch wall to wall with my outstretched arms. The shower was the size of half a phone booth. The sink was about 10X14 inches. Tiny, but it worked. The room was overlooking the Bergen Visitor Info Center and Fish Market. One night there were a lot of revelers. Otherwise it was quiet. Breakfast was a buffet, with some hot items, and the usual cold cuts, cheese, breads. Some fruit. The coffee machines are fine when they work, but it seems that guests are pretty hard on them and they were not always available. We were joining a cruise, but at the last minute learned we had to delay our arrival several hours due to harbor congestion. We spent the extra time, with our luggage and kindles in the hotel's small lobby. The staff made us welcome, and assisted us with a taxi when we were finally able to depart.
坐落在卑爾根市中心,卑爾根市斯堪迪克飯店在卑爾根佔盡地理之宜。包括Pepperkakebyen - The Worlds largest Gingerbread Town、Bergen Kino和Slit 'an都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Cafe Opera(其他)、Pergola mat og vinbar(披薩)和1877(1877)(其他)也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。旅客可以去健身室揮灑汗水,重煥活力。飯店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。飯店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。
訪訪客Superfreundliches zuvorkommendes Personal und Check in schon um 13 Uhr. Fast familiäre Atmosphäre. Die Betten sind ok und die Zimmer einfach und nicht zu warm geheizt. Das hotel ist nicht mal 2 Minuten von der Ankunft. Mit der Tram kommt man alle 10 Minuten für nur 3,90 Euro pro weg bis in die Innenstadt. Gerne sofort wieder. Bergen ist toll!