酒店官網一共衹有兩個房型,基礎房有朝內向無採光的和有采光的兩種 我們被分配到了朝內的房間,採光很差住着十分壓抑 要求換房後依然給了一個朝內的房間 但是朝外的房間並不需要額外付錢 大家入住的時候一定要跟前台要朝外的房型 而且據我所知 我入住當晚 我這一側的房間貌似衹有我一個人住 其他客人都給分到了朝外側的房型 而且房間很臟。值得一提的是公共區域很好而且床墊很舒服。
There are only two room types on the website of the hotel , but some with open-view while others with interior view , we had been allocated to a room with interview and the room was so dirty especially in the bathroom.