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探索我們在President Suits附近的熱門飯店


4.7/566 評價


河畔區 曼谷|距離市中心6.23km


The Siam在國內被熟知的方式有點特別, 因為2017年白女士和小鮮肉的事件, 在吃瓜羣眾中強刷了一波關注, 獨特的設計, 頂奢的定位, 珍藏的古董, 明星網紅都愛住的酒店, The Siam就以這樣的形式火了。 作為曼谷最經典的度假村之一, 我鍾情於他家, 全是因為Bill Bensley。 The Siam以Art Deco的裝飾風尚帶人穿越回到曼谷偉大的時代, 酒店、度假村、博物館這三種屬性在這裏完美融合, 繁複華麗, 雍容復古, 有種舊時貴族宅邸的尊貴與奢闊。 Bill Bensley也為這間酒店留下了一座絕美的泳池, 對,就是我們熟知的那個游泳池。 酒店一共衹有39個房間, 每間都是套房格局, 古典與時髦完美結合, 展示拉瑪五世時代的風華, 即使是最普通的標準客房, 挑高天花板加上大玄關、主卧及衛浴間, 總麪積也已經是其他一般房間的兩到三倍了。 The Siam有私人碼頭, 在沙吞碼頭有私人接駁船接送到酒店。 酒店採用三進院的設計架構, 借鑒了中式對稱設計, 一進大門就感受到那份嚴謹和莊重, 入住的儀式感在這裏得到了精緻的詮釋。 入住也十分尊崇, 衹要遞上護照, 便由私人管家領到沙發上就座, 奉上涼爽的濕毛巾和新鮮果汁, 隨後被引領着往後麪去。 白色的窄領襯衫、黑色的馬甲、下身一襲方裙亦東亦西, 走起來優雅得不行。 管家引領着慢慢參觀完酒店的公共設施, 再送進客房, 詳細介紹客房的設施, 一切妥當之後才會離開。 難怪王俊凱和很多明星會選擇他家, 如果來曼谷, The Siam會是一個不錯的選擇。





正在尋找President Suits附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.4/549 評價
I enjoyed my stay here. It was a great location- just around the corner from Khao San road. The bed was very comfortable and the room was clean. The only downside was that the only window in the room was internal- looking out on the corridor to the lifts and above the lobby- so I had to leave the curtain closed throughout my stay for privacy. I didn't mind this though as I was out most hours of the day. The roof-top an pool was great!
3.8/594 評價
This place is terrible. Stayed in 2012 and back then was amazing, 10 years later on return don't think this place should even have a license to operate. Arrived tired and smelly after a 8 hour flight just wanting a shower and to meet up with the boys for a beer except no one at the front office. Make my way across the road to Dang Derm in the park where I'm given the key to my room. Walked back across, open the door to my room, used towels on the bed, rubbish literally spilled on the floor. Returned to the front desk where the staff were very apologetic and gave me a key to a different room. The room was hotter than outside so I left the aircon on whilst out. Get back to the room- room thermostat sitting at 34 degrees- outside its only 32 degrees- the air con doesn't work. Tried to sleep but felt like I was sleeping in an oven.I changed rooms twice more the same night neither of the rooms had a working air conditioning unit. Stayed 3 more nights purely based on the fact that it is on Khao San but never again.
3.8/543 評價
考桑 D&D 旅館
3.8/542 評價
作爲帶3個孩子旅行的父母,我想在晚上登陸時找到一個容易找到的地方。你不能錯過這個。任何司機都會知道它在哪裏。工作人員親切友好,在炎熱的一天後,屋頂游泳池很明亮。房間一般般,但便宜乾淨。這是第一次在曼谷降落的好地方。它安全,不要相信關於它不安全的故事。作爲一個家庭,這是一個偉大而便宜又安全(只要你當然對生活很聰明)我們愛泰國,並將再次返回,每次都會成爲我們的登陸點。泰國人只是偉大的 btw - 尊重和善良,你會有一個偉大的假期。
4.5/51 評價
位於市中心,距離各處 5 分鐘路程。是真正的泰國飯店,下面是咖啡館,上面是飯店,熱鬧的街道,而且我覺得價格還算合理。
4.3/548 評價
This is the third time we've stayed at Baan Chart, so clearly we are fans, and to begin with the (overwhelming) positive, the staff are very friendly and helpful, the location is great - provided you are aware it's vicinity to Khao San Rd, and generally the decor and finish of the complex suggest something worth a little more than the price. Unfortunately this time around the experience was slightly tarnished, and I genuinely hope the hotel see this as I'm sure there's an easy fix. The rooms didn't exactly support a restful night sleep. The small window (which seems to serve precisely no purpose) has a thin net curtain for privacy, but did not block the light. There's a media box thing attached to the TV which we had to disconnect as it was emitting a very strong light into the room which disturbed us. Finally, and this is completely personal, I asked for an extra piece of toast with my breakfast, and was told I would have to pay for it. I get it, you pay for what you have, but we paid for breakfast up front and unfortunately whilst it was very nice, it was insufficient. These are really minor and easily outweighed by the good points. If location is important, being between Khao San and Rambuttri, a short walk to the river boat and countless restaurants and bars - then this is a great hotel!


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