根據網路上介紹選了這家飯店,位置超級完美物超所值!交通上臨近BTS ON NUT 站走路10分鐘內可達(Lotus後面),購物上旁邊有很便宜的7-11,BTS旁的Lotus's 購物中心和Century The Movie Plaza 廣場(有很多美食小販和200-250泰銖美甲攤)。
換錢就到Lotus對面靠79巷前,有K79店面可換泰銖匯率和super rich差不多但較沒人!有店面可吹冷氣可以坐,平價美食就再往前77巷有超多便宜小吃攤和平價按摩店,在這可買到1公斤30泰銖山竹(沒爛心又甜),巷子到底左轉的右邊就是鼎鼎大名的Big C(沒有什麼觀光客!!!),Big C對面就是傳統市場也很好逛(建議早上去較多攤販也不會那麼熱說)。
住宿方回覆: Dear 明目張膽Greetings from Cross Vibe Bangkok Sukhumvit, First of all thanks for choosing us as your destination and thank you for your time to share your comment, we hope you have a wonderful stay. Please rest assure that the comment will be shared in our team to keep them encouraged to provide you good experience and exceeding your expectation. If there's anything we can do to comfort your stay, please do not hesitate to contact us accordingly.with best regards, Khata - Cluster General Manager