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峇裡島雷吉安磐石飯店 - 萬豪傲途格精選飯店
4.7/5110 評價

峇裡島雷吉安磐石飯店 - 萬豪傲途格精選飯店

雷吉安 峇里島|距離Sheppy`s Bar and Restaurant0.32km
哇哇哇這家酒店絕對太棒了!我想在這裏呆這麼久,終於有機會特別入住(我們剛剛結婚)。從我們到達(深夜)起,我們知道我們會喜歡我們的住宿。尤達在辦理入住時非常熱情友好 - 積極的住宿剛剛從那裏繼續我們剛剛從澳大利亞的一家五星級酒店來,讓我說,石頭在任何一天都勝過澳大利亞的皇冠!!!位置在海灘對面 - 就在Legian,所以完美的地點。步行距離內有很多可愛的餐廳,您可以穿過馬路到海灘酒吧喝一杯,觀看令人驚歎的日落 我們有一個游泳池房間 - 位於酒店內(157室)。我們喜歡一樓的房間。房間本身很好,很寬敞,很乾淨,牀超級舒服。我們沒有真正使用游泳池,儘管遺憾的是水很冷!!!主游泳池溫度完美,我們遊了很多 - 它很大!每個人都有足夠的空間,大部分時間都曬太陽,不冷。他們還在游泳池裏提供大枕頭 - 所以你可以漂浮在周圍放鬆 冰淇淋人整天漂浮在周圍,帶來冰棍和水果棒 - 這是一個可愛的手勢。還有快樂時光 - 他們太棒了,從12-6pm(購買一送一選擇雞尾酒和啤酒)早餐選擇是下一個層次 - 從亞洲靈感到西方甚至甜甜圈牆,每個人都有東西。你可以得到任何東西,也新鮮 酒店還有一個大大堂,有棋類和檯球桌,可以與人進行友好的遊戲,這是一個好主意 我們迫不及待想再次入住!!!



3.6/527 評價


雷吉安 峇里島|距離Sheppy`s Bar and Restaurant0.11km
I've lost count the amount of times ive been to Bali and i have NEVER experienced a hotel that needs to be avoided like this one. 1. It's Cheap but the price also brings in the most inconsiderate guests, who yell and talk loud in the stairwells in the pool and fight at 3.30am, drunk and loud Russians and loud mouth Aussies, who can't handle their Grog. 2. The hotel amplifies every sound x 10. There is no escaping the noise no matter what room you stay in. The pool music is loud, i spoke up and asked many times to turn it down, from 7am its starts with nice bali music then from mid morning to late playing rap music with swearing was not a great option, until 9pm at night. (The hotel did change the music to Kenny G in the early evening so not sure what's worse) 3. Now to the best part the pool turned green after a week of staying here, staff told guests it was okay to swim in it and denied that there was anything wrong, total BS after 2 days of a green pool and myself giving a clear message to be passed onto the GM it finally took a few managers to admit there was a issue, when the come to look at it. It was then said it will take an additional 3 days for the pool to clear, heaps of chemicals used the smell of chlorine was strong. So during this time i was subjected to swim at the beach or go to another hotel and pay for day use, which i did. ( They do have a sister hotel in Jl Legian street half way down 15/20 min walk, but who wants to lay around listerning to construction drills, due to Reno's going on. 4. Staff allow guests to swim at all hours late into the evening, who talk loud, drink grog and don't care that many guest are trying to sleep. 5. If you want a holiday that brings a calm and a relaxing enviroment than AVOID this place you will leave feeling more stressed out due to not being able to escape the noise and inconsiderate guests. 6. FYI When you need assistance early in the morning due to drunk ******, you will find the security guard asleep in the lobby. 7. Hotel rooms dated and run down, you pay for what you get lower lever rooms smell funky and these are the rooms you want to avoid they are oldcand have bath tubs 8. Spend extra $$$ to stay in a place where you can atleast relax and feel safe especially if you are a solo female traveler.





正在尋找Sheppy`s Bar and Restaurant附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.5/594 評價
令人驚歎的酒店住宿,食物,游泳池,很棒的工作人員和驚人的位置!中央到大蒜巷和Legian rd,距離海灘300米,一分鐘到庫塔。住宿很乾淨,牀很大,每天打掃,房間很大,水療中心很棒(如果選擇水療室) 提示:不要在這裏洗衣服,這太貴了,但隔壁會爲$4au做,而不是97au美元 除此之外,沒有抱怨
4.3/5109 評價
一個很棒的住宿地點。食物很棒,服務很棒,別墅保持了無可挑剔的清潔。餐廳和酒吧俯Legian海灘,是雞尾酒和觀賞令人驚歎的日落的好地方。那裏的每個人都非常友好,參觀Legian Beach酒店和Villas只是一種樂趣。
3.6/542 評價
Recommended hotel! Provided verry good service😍 the staff verry friendly too. If i came again to legian, i will stay at this hotel again. But, the hot water is not working for some reason, and it ok for me. The location near tourist attraction, and this hotel is ok value for money.
3.6/527 評價
I've lost count the amount of times ive been to Bali and i have NEVER experienced a hotel that needs to be avoided like this one. 1. It's Cheap but the price also brings in the most inconsiderate guests, who yell and talk loud in the stairwells in the pool and fight at 3.30am, drunk and loud Russians and loud mouth Aussies, who can't handle their Grog. 2. The hotel amplifies every sound x 10. There is no escaping the noise no matter what room you stay in. The pool music is loud, i spoke up and asked many times to turn it down, from 7am its starts with nice bali music then from mid morning to late playing rap music with swearing was not a great option, until 9pm at night. (The hotel did change the music to Kenny G in the early evening so not sure what's worse) 3. Now to the best part the pool turned green after a week of staying here, staff told guests it was okay to swim in it and denied that there was anything wrong, total BS after 2 days of a green pool and myself giving a clear message to be passed onto the GM it finally took a few managers to admit there was a issue, when the come to look at it. It was then said it will take an additional 3 days for the pool to clear, heaps of chemicals used the smell of chlorine was strong. So during this time i was subjected to swim at the beach or go to another hotel and pay for day use, which i did. ( They do have a sister hotel in Jl Legian street half way down 15/20 min walk, but who wants to lay around listerning to construction drills, due to Reno's going on. 4. Staff allow guests to swim at all hours late into the evening, who talk loud, drink grog and don't care that many guest are trying to sleep. 5. If you want a holiday that brings a calm and a relaxing enviroment than AVOID this place you will leave feeling more stressed out due to not being able to escape the noise and inconsiderate guests. 6. FYI When you need assistance early in the morning due to drunk ******, you will find the security guard asleep in the lobby. 7. Hotel rooms dated and run down, you pay for what you get lower lever rooms smell funky and these are the rooms you want to avoid they are oldcand have bath tubs 8. Spend extra $$$ to stay in a place where you can atleast relax and feel safe especially if you are a solo female traveler.
3.8/50 評價
4.6/521 評價
A beautiful new hotel. The interior is very well thought out and extremely modern. The location is super central. The á la cart breakfast was delicious & the staff was extremely helpful and super nice. Like a little paradise in the (not so beautiful) Kuta. I can recommend it without reservation ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


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峇里島是印尼最受歡迎的島,不同於大多數的東南亞島嶼,峇里島不僅僅擁有沙灘、碧海、熱帶陽光,還有田園農舍、森林草原、急流深谷等美麗風光。峇里島又是一座藝術之島,風格獨特的傳統繪畫和雕刻為西方當代藝術家提供了無數靈感,也吸引了眾多收藏家前來挖寶。峇里島還是一座享樂之島,像是讓人身心放鬆的SPA等。準備來趟峇里島旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門峇里島景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開峇里島之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往印尼峇里島機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。峇里島當地主要交通為計程車、觀光巴士或包車,相當便利且便宜。




1. 海神廟

2. 金巴蘭海灘

3. 大鞦韆


還沒安排峇里島自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的峇里島飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂峇里島住宿!
