正在查找Pura Seming附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Pura Seming附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.6/53 評價
一個有可愛人的天堂花園 從熱情的歡迎中,您立即感到賓至如歸,同時享受美味的歡迎飲料。擁有美麗的花名的平房,如 Lilly,Cempaka 和我們的 Bougenville,都寬敞,設有一個大浴室。巨大的牀美妙的牀墊。平房有一個寬敞的陽台,從那裏可以欣賞美麗的花園,寧靜。植物,樹木和鮮花是您不經常看到的多樣性。它散發着寧靜,部分原因是鳥類的自然聲音,奇克奇克,壁虎和更多的物種。您也可以在設計精美的無邊泳池中盡情地濺起水花。有了Nyoman和Gede,我們做了各種旅行,爲我們提供了少量的費用:熱水浴缸,通過稻田跟蹤,到各種瀑布。一切都是允許的,沒有什麼是必要的。我的妻子也多次參加瑜伽,陰陽。尼曼提出要我們接受印度教信仰的儀式,由村裏塞桑丹的一名授權男子和一名婦女進行的淨化儀式。體驗這個很榮幸,令人驚訝地感到非常解放。我們在花園裏也放鬆了很多。我們發現每天爲我們提供的3餐。早餐,午餐和晚餐。辛西婭,Made和Tania不斷準備富有想象力的美味香味的菜餚。美味的蔬菜,拉拉帕姆,各種沙沙,果醬菜,金槍魚以不同的方式準備,總是伴隨着美味的湯。和所有本土的,包括米飯,就像我們以前從未吃過一樣,很好吃。辛西婭爲愛好者提供了刺激和幾種類型的桑巴。我幾乎忘記了每頓飯的水果。走到桌子上總是很愉快。這也是因爲我們女主人和紳士的幽默感。我們笑了很多。他們是那麼好和可愛的人。
4.3/59 評價
We enjoyed our time in the Prana Mountain resort quite a lot and appreciate the hospitality and friendliness of the staff. The garden and surrounding of the resort is remarkable in the middle of the nature and invites to take hikes in rice terraces or the rain forest far away from the typical tourist spots on Bali. The resort is build on old rice terrace and the garden is beautiful and natural. The pool with fresh water without chemicals is a nice highlight after a hike. We stayed for three nights with the children and could get well along. The restaurant is also nice and serves good delicious food throughout the day. A few things could be improved: - the cleanliness in the rooms could be improved, also the bedding cleanliness - the mosquito protection around the beds is getting old and could be replaced or repaired - a hair dryer in the rooms would have been nice
4.5/511 評價
4.4/51 評價
4.1/55 評價
一些專業人士包括樂於助人的員工,乾淨的房間,美麗的景色,溫暖的淋浴,安靜的區域,舒適的牀和低過敏性牀單。有些缺點包括沒有吹風機,沒有冰箱,空調一點也不冷,雖然設置了16°C,工作人員沒有戴口罩,工作人員即使在我給他們之後也沒有批准,也沒有批准付款一些小費(所以一定要準備少量的印尼貨幣支付住宿費用;他們不接受卡!),臥室裏有一隻巨大的吵鬧的,WiFi實行宵禁(從清晨開始一直關閉,然後終於從上午9點左右開始重新開放),沒有客房服務,位置很糟糕,樓梯長滿青苔(只適合揹包客使用輕便物品),店主非常不禮貌的態度,因爲他們把我鎖在後門,雖然沒有“禁止入境”的跡象,我還得爲剛剛下車的司機支付2倍的 Jatiluwih 入場費。
Umadhatu Resort by Amerta
3.6/57 評價
Addicted!!!! Staycation here is addictive, there are 2 rooms with private pool and kitchen. The nature here is also beautiful, besides that it is very kid friendly. Here, apart from staying overnight, you can also play in the water park. What I like most is that the water doesn't smell like chlorine, it's very nice for swimming. Food prices here are also cheap, around 25k! How exciting! I wonder why this is not well known, even though this place is very good, suitable for bringing the family . Nyepi is a must try here, so you don't get bored in your room, because you can play at the water park .
