
峇裡島努沙杜瓦度假村假日飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.6/575 評價
What an incredible stay at Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua! The service provided was impeccable, starting off with an upgrade to an ocean view room when our pool view room was undergoing maintenance upon our arrival, followed by complimentary fruit and chocolates as another apology, along with a chocolate cake and bed decorations for our anniversary. All staff members were so friendly, helpful and approachable throughout the whole week of our stay. Also nice to see that feedback forms are actually acknowledged and acted upon very promptly (unlike other places) as we made a simple suggestion for the breakfast to include avocado and hollandaise sauce and the next two days staff members offered us specially cooked eggs benedict with avocado. Cannot fault a single thing about our experience and without a doubt will be back to stay in the future! Special mention to duty manager Geksa who frequently checked in with us and went above and beyond to make our stay so enjoyable!
4.9/536 評價
Straight to this brand new resort in the heart of Canggu after a long flight such a best decision ever! I'm staying during the weekdays so its quiet enough to enjoy the whole resort and I can release my jetlag during my stay. They have the best rooftop pool and bar that I could enjoy the sunset. Their interior design is wood based and that's makes it feel homey. They have smartTV so I could continue my netflix series. Their food was good. They have a comfy bed and pillow, I hope to have a good sleep here! I've been staying in Holiday Inn around Bali but I think this one is the more premium one. All the staff are very helpful and often ask to help me taken a pic. Thank you for the warmest hospitality to Holiday Inn Resort Canggu, especially Mr. Enggal, Bayu, the front desk girl that I forgot your name, and manager on duty who visit my room to say 'hi' (you know who you are 😉). 🥰🤩
4.4/544 評價
Holiday Inn was located close to the beach and restaurants. It’s a beautiful hotel with a king size bed and large bathroom. We loved the Dove shampoo and body that was provided. The firm and soft pillows were a nice touch. The bedding was surprisingly soft and comfy. The staff at the hotel always greeted us and were all smiles. We stayed four nights and had two rooms. We must have gotten the worst rooms in the hotel. We were on the first floor (ground floor) and our room was right by the elevator. We could hear people talking loudly throughout our stay. Our window faced the garage. We heard cars and scooters as well. There was a ramp or something that made the vehicles make a loud thumping noise as it went over the ramp. In addition to outside noises, the hotel rooms are NOT soundproofed at all. Children running and heavy footed walking can be heard above. Talking and furniture being slammed was heard from our next door neighbours. We chose to stay here based on trip adviser reviews and were surprised no one mentioned the lack of sound proofing. It’s too bad because it’s a beautiful property and centrally located.
峇裡島巴魯娜假日度假飯店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.4/588 評價
我們到達前兩周酒店剛剛開始營業。我們在家庭套房住了3晚。 主卧室和兒童房都很乾凈。我的孩子們很喜歡他們的房間。 但我向客戶關係部提出了幾點意見: 浴室 1. 淋浴的玻璃門由於碰到小便池了所以打不開,而且由於裏面沒有拉手所以很難推開。 2. 帶浴缸的浴室需要個淋浴簾,最好再有個噴頭。 3. 為了私密和莊重起見,我建議把整個浴室的玻璃牆都貼上膜(只從一邊兒貼了2英寸)。因為控制百葉窗的開關在浴室外面,所以我小孩,尤其是我女兒,喜歡在我們洗澡時偷看。 房間 1. 房間里所有燈的開關都應該有標識(一個也沒有)。 2. 浴室開關(帶淋浴的房間,我忘了房間號了),浴室門附近應該再有個開關,就和臨接的房間一樣。我們住在那兒時,只能從床邊開、關。 3. 為安全起見,我建議把兒童床的方向輪螺母改成自動上鎖的。我孩子玩的時候,兩個床的輪子都掉了。 客戶關係部馬上就對我提出的問題進行了改進。 Palms飯店和泳池的服務員非常友好、周到,早餐的食物種類也很多(其他餐我們是在外面吃的)。 總之,這是家漂亮的酒店,非常適合夫婦或家庭住宿。 它只是需要一點兒時間來磨合一下。


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峇里島是印尼最受歡迎的島,不同於大多數的東南亞島嶼,峇里島不僅僅擁有沙灘、碧海、熱帶陽光,還有田園農舍、森林草原、急流深谷等美麗風光。峇里島又是一座藝術之島,風格獨特的傳統繪畫和雕刻為西方當代藝術家提供了無數靈感,也吸引了眾多收藏家前來挖寶。峇里島還是一座享樂之島,像是讓人身心放鬆的SPA等。準備來趟峇里島旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門峇里島景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開峇里島之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往印尼峇里島機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。峇里島當地主要交通為計程車、觀光巴士或包車,相當便利且便宜。




1. 海神廟

2. 金巴蘭海灘

3. 大鞦韆


還沒安排峇里島自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的峇里島飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂峇里島住宿!
