Hard Rock Hotel Bali(峇裡島硬石飯店),位於庫塔著名的沖浪海灘上,是一個擁有四十年歷史的搖滾音樂文化度假村,也是亞洲第一個以音樂為主題設計的度假飯店,佔地3公頃,距離伍拉•賴國際機場僅10分鐘車程。為紀念從上個世紀50 年代到90年代末的搖滾表演藝術家們,反映每個階段的音樂、時尚和藝術的面貌,飯店牆上以各種圖片、紀念品和肖像裝飾,從ROCKING’TOTS 到GRUNGE GRAND DADS,飯店的搖滾音樂會讓您隨之狂歡。飯店巨大的電視牆上播放著最新的音樂錄像帶,大廳中央挑高的舞台CENTERSTAGE每晚都有小型現場演唱會。飯店的客房分為六個區域並各以音樂命名,包括搖滾、藍調、另類、流行音樂等;每個房間都設有個人CD音響、交互式電玩遊戲、自選電影等,讓您輕鬆玩轉音樂和休閒生活。您還可以到飯店的錄音室唱歌,圓瘋狂搖滾音樂的夢想。飯店的其他配套設施也一應俱全,包括健身中心、spa中心、室外泳池、攀巖牆、餐廳和免費停車場等。特色餐飲場所風格各異,Starz Diner餐廳提供亞洲菜餚,位於池畔的Splash Bistro酒館提供地中海戶外餐點和飲料,招牌咖啡館提供現場娛樂表演。多彩的娛樂生活,古典兼現代的音樂格調,快意的人生體驗,您將在此輕鬆擁有。峇裡島硬石飯店,以其特色佈局和音樂主題而備受矚目,成為搖滾音樂愛好者和主題探索者到峇裡島度假觀光的首選,是峇裡島不可錯過的一道亮麗風景。飯店時尚熱情的工作人員期待您的光臨!
SOL by Meliá Kuta Bali 位於著名的庫塔地區,地理位置便捷。商務旅客和遊客都可以享受飯店的設施和服務。飯店所有客房均提供免費無線網絡,24小時櫃檯服務,24小時客房服務,行李寄存,公共區域無線網絡。所有客房的設計和裝飾都使顧客感到賓至如歸,部分客房提供互聯網接入-無線(免費),禁菸房,空調,陽台/露台,迷你吧。漫長的一天休息一下,然後使用室外游泳池,水療,按摩,游泳池(孩童)和檯球。 SOL by Meliá Kuta Bali 飯店將熱情的款待與可愛的氛圍融合在一起,使您在峇裡島的旅途刻骨銘心。
飯店的設計精緻時尚又別具一格,裝飾風格豪華浪漫,提供多間設計典雅的時尚客房及套房,享有花園和游泳池的景緻,並配備花灑淋浴、免費無線高速上網及咖啡機等各種便利設施。飯店內的 Stones Kitchen 供應國際美食,包括西式、亞洲和地道印尼菜品。
Big Fish Bar and Grill 供應當地捕獲的優質可持續海鮮、印尼當地熱門美食和上等進口牛排。庫塔海灘池畔酒吧供應雞尾酒、啤酒等飲品,以及各式清淡小吃,提供耳目一新的池畔餐飲體驗。飯店的豪華泳池環繞於玲瓏小木屋、娛樂露台和蔥鬱花園之間,輕鬆營造活力而閒適的峇裡島度假飯店氛圍。
坐落在庫塔,燕屋飯店(Yan's House Hotel)在峇裡島佔盡地理之宜。包括Ramayana Resort And SPA、巴釐卡爾迪卡廣場路和Kimberly Spa都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括液晶電視機和房間內高速上網,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。服務人員會提前為您準備好免費瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。旅客可以在飯店的西餐廳中挑選自己喜愛的風味美食。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Havana Club Restaurant(拉美料理)供應一流的推薦美味-大肉串,海鮮世界酒樓(海鮮)提供的椒鹽虎皮蝦備受好評,Boardwalk Restaurant & Lounge(西餐)的芝士焗扇貝也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。飯店提供的室外游泳池對於那些想要健身的旅客來說是一個好去處。飯店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。提供乾洗服務,為您的旅途省心。飯店會為自駕的顧客提供免費停車場。
訪訪客用戶A very disappointing stay at this hotel. Issues started at check in and continued throughout our stay . Our family booked 5 rooms at the Alam KUL KUL and we all had issues with facilities and getting any action taken to address them . To start we visited the hotel in mid November 2023 to enquire about late checkout when we stayed in February 2024. The hotel reception were very pleasant in November and guaranteed that late checkout was easy and it was a great rate of 550.000 . The reception staff said that they had added the late checkout to our booking. When we arrived in February everything was different. First the reception staff questioned that we had visited in November and that we did not have late checkout added to our booking. They insisted that we name the hotel staff who we had spoken with in November. After much discussion we had the late checkout added but staff were less than friendly. Then they insisted we pay the extra money straight away. We said no problem but then my wife’s wise card wouldn’t work in their payment machine and staff kept insisting that the wrong pin was being entered. My wife had been using the card for the last 7 days in Bali with no issues. So I then gave them my wise card and was surprised when it wouldn’t work in their machine either. I also had been using my card daily in Bali with no issues. After much further discussion with hotel reception they said that we could pay at check out. We had already pre paid for all 5 rooms prior to this. On the day of checkout I received a request to contact reception as they had no records of us asking for late checkout. During several WhatsApp messages from reception they said that we had refused to pay for the late checkout and that we had stated that we would get it free. I was absolutely disappointed to receive these messages and we had never stated anything about free late checkout. The reception staff continued sending messages that were completely false statements. In reflection I think that the staff were trying to cover up the poor service lack of professionalism that they lacked. This were only a few of the small issues that arose during our stay . Our daughter and family had a mouse running around their room and it took staff 3 days to come and look at the room. There was never any offer to change rooms. Another family group had their air conditioning not working and it took 3 days for the hotel to address that issue . My wife ordered drinks during happy hour at the garden pool and when the bill came they wanted to charge full price and their staff stated that my wife had ordered room service! She was locked out of our room at the time because the electronic key kept failing.
On 3 separate occasions I asked to speak with the hotel manager to see if we could get better communication and service. Unfortunately the manager was always unavailable, so can only assume that is where the problem starts . Too important or don’t care about hotel guests.
Most of the hotels staff were extremely friendly and welcoming especially the restaurant staff.
The Alam is a very old property in a very good location. The rooms have been renovated and beds are comfortable. After visiting Bali about 16 times and staying in many different hotels and villas this was our most disappointing stay in Bali. It’s a shame that the small issues kept coming and that the hotel were either trying to cover up or complacent about.