
舒眠飯店奧斯汀鎮 - 揚斯敦,西
3.8/594 評價
I will start with the only positive thing about our stay at this hotel, and it is that the staff were very pleasant and helpful. Also, the desk chair in the room had arms which is excellent for assisting mobility-impaired people to rise out of it. Now to the reason of the poor rating I gave this hotel; while it is an older hotel, maintenance issues apparently have been neglected. 1) There was a very musty odor throughout the place; in the lobby, the hallway, and in our room. 2) While our room was generally clean, there was a napkin and a part of an opened sugar packet left on the floor of the room. 3) The toilet paper holder had fallen off the wall and broke. 4) The toilet seat was loose and wobbly (not good in a handicapped room). 5) The smoke detector in the ceiling was missing the casing and wires were just hanging down from the ceiling. While this is a non-smoking hotel and we are not smokers, it was a bit disconcerting to see the wires hanging down. 6) There was an electrical outlet near one side of the bed that was out from the wall, exposing the wires. If a small child was in this room, this would be a enormous safety concern. 7) Our room was a mobility-accessible room but had a tub-shower, so my husband couldn't use the shower. I realize that this combination is ADA compliant as long as it has grab bars and a seat; however, I found the tub floor to be slippery and with no grab bars outside the shower, difficult to use. 8) Also regarding accessibility for mobility-impaired guests, there was a large easy chair blocking the access between the bathroom and the bed. My husband could not navigate past this chair until I moved it. It was rather heavy for me to move, but I did. The room itself was quite small so did not need such a large easy chair in it. 9) The only elevator in the hotel broke late in the evening and the hotel couldn't get anyone to try and fix it until later the following morning. We were on the third floor and my husband could not maneuver down the stairs by himself. Happily, two employees came and helped him down all the way to the lobby. They offered to help me with the luggage also; I was to just call the front desk when ready. However, when I called, no one answered, so after about 30 rings, I lugged our things down the three flights by myself. Not easy for a 78 year old woman.


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