
雅典Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti飯店

距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti1.65km
愛馬仕飯店是一家位於頂級位置的非常現代的精品飯店! 飯店擁有 45 間客房,擁有清新的氛圍,特別注重所有小細節。 位於著名的普拉卡地區,步行幾分鐘即可到達憲法和蒙納斯提拉奇廣場。 雅典衛城、古集市、羅馬廣場、議會、博物館、普拉卡購物區、埃爾姆街和雅典大教堂都在飯店門口。 Syntagma 地鐵站距離飯店有 2 分鐘步行路程,可直達機場。 愛馬仕飯店是一家小型、時尚且實用的綜合體,擁有獨特的美學和出色的組織,在輕鬆的環境中提供舒適的住宿和優質的服務。

訪客 2023.01.30
Πολύ καθαρό ξενοδοχείο με πάρα πολύ φιλικό προσωπικό. Ωραίο πρόγευμα! Δεν ακουγόταν καθόλου ο θόρυβος από τους περαστικούς που δεν ήταν λίγοι κατά την διάρκεια όλων των ωρών. Το δωμάτιο καθαριζοταν κάθε μέρα και αλλάζοντας τα σεντόνια. Η θέρμανση ήταν καταπληκτική. Ήταν τέλεια όλα! Το συστήνουμε ανεπιφύλακτα
101 則評論
4.140 TWD
奧摩尼亞 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti1.76km
旅客若想住在雅典的奧摩尼亞,那麼雅典經典飯店將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Church Of St. George Karytsi、Comme il FauX Bar和The Clumsies均可步行很短距離到達。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、空調和液晶電視機,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了咖啡壺/茶壺和瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。飯店提供的休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩、奢華完美的住宿體驗。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

訪客 2023.10.25
Big recommendation for this hotel. Immaculately clean, fabulous breakfast buffet, wonderful staff in the dining room and reception (friendly and helpful). Little things like the cleaning staff (who were so efficient) leaving our air conditioning on the setting we'd chosen made all the difference. Worth upgrading to deluxe room for the space and jacuzzi bath on the balcony. If I was going to be really picky, I wish they provided bath robes or bigger towels - but I am being picky. It's really well located - so much within walking distance. When we arrived late Sat night/Sun morning, the area was buzzing and crowded with bars, restaurants, and queues for a nightclub. I was concerned about the noise but the double glazing in our room kept the room beautifully quiet for sleep. Loved Athens, loved this hotel - we'll be back.
66 則評論
6.005 TWD
庫卡基衛城 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.21km
Acropolis Select Hotel 位於雅典市中心,交通便利,距離雅典衛城人行道僅幾步之遙,通往該市的許多主要景點和名勝,是您下次訪問雅典時的完美家外之家。 從飯店步行短短 5 分鐘即可到達衛城古跡、新衛城博物館和普拉卡區,而憲法廣場、奧林匹亞宙斯神廟和蒙納斯提拉奇市場等其他主要地標以及 、城市的購物熱點 Hermou Street 和 Kolonaki 都近在咫尺。 距離飯店僅數米處,您會發現地鐵、輕軌和巴士站,讓您在城市及其海灘郊區旅行變得極為方便。 這家擁有 72 間客房的飯店配有優雅的義大利設計傢俱、精美的歐洲面料和靈感來自古希臘的原創藝術品,為其現代時尚的裝飾和溫馨的氛圍增添了色彩。 飯店每天供應全套自助早餐,客房和飯店公共區域均提供免費無線網絡連接。 我們位於 180 west 的新屋頂酒廊餐廳供應美味小吃和地中海美食,營業時間為 11:00 至深夜,可欣賞雅典衛城令人驚歎的壯麗景色。 我們熱情周到的工作人員全天候為您提供幫助,並樂意為您提供雅典及其他地方的短途旅行和活動的建議。 因此,無論是商務旅行還是休閒旅行,我們都能確保您在雅典衛城精選飯店體驗到舒適而難忘的住宿體驗。

訪客 2023.05.04
This is an exceptionally lovely place to stay in the centre of Athens. Walking distance to the Acropolis, Plaka District and all the fabulous restaurants. Very nice rooms and amenities with very friendly staff. Excellent service. Make sure you go up to the roof top bar for food and drinks with a fabulous night time view of the Acropolis and make sure you say hi to Marios… the best and friendliest of bar hosts!
62 則評論
4.585 TWD
普西里/蒙納斯提拉 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.4km
誒維派德斯飯店坐落於普西里/蒙納斯提拉,優越的地理位置使它成為雅典一個令人嚮往的住宿選擇。 在該地區觀光很容易,Agios Ioannis tis Kolonas、Agia Paraskevi Church和Saint Anargyri Church都在飯店附近。閒暇時間在飯店的酒吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近O Thanasis(Ο Θανάσης)(快餐簡餐)、The Old Tavern of Psarras(Η Παλιά Ταβέρνα του Ψαρρά)(西餐)和Kanella(西餐)絡繹不絕的人流吧!烤羊肉、葡萄酒和烤羊小腿分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。房客既能在 健身室揮灑汗水,也可以在按摩室放鬆身心。飯店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

Ccarmenion 2019.12.06
?一個非常好的,乾淨,舒適的酒店。工作人員都很友好和樂於助人。是的,值得要求位於6樓的房間-雅典衛城的景色很棒-,但我的房間(511)也很棒。 您不必擔心鄰居的外觀,因為我始終感到安全。我等不及要再次訪問雅典,我一定會留在同一個地方-可愛的Evripides酒店! ?
91 則評論
2.565 TWD
奧摩尼亞 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.49km
舒適而溫馨的Hotel Marina飯店地理位置優越,位於雅典市中心的Omonia區。 這家家庭經營的飯店擁有溫馨友好的氛圍。 希臘首都的所有主要景點,如考古遺址,包括世界著名的雅典衛城或風之塔,老城普拉卡,憲法廣場和商業中心都在步行距離之內。 公共交通連接距離飯店僅有幾步之遙,方便顧客前往城市的所有區域。 對於尋找中心位置的顧客來說,這裡是個好地方。

Bblademouse 2023.06.18
117 則評論
1.480 TWD
布朗庫比克-Brown Hotels旗下
布朗庫比克-Brown Hotels旗下布朗庫比克-Brown Hotels旗下
奧摩尼亞 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.5km
Brown Kubic 就在標誌性的雅典國家劇院旁邊。 客房採用低調的都市別緻設計和以科技為中心的智能態度。 超級豐富的一切您可能想要的,保證您獲得完全自主的飯店體驗。 我們的內部健身房設備齊全,讓您在假期保持健康,我們的早餐令人愉悅。 在雅典出差? 我們的會議室非常適合舉辦演示會和研討會。 無需再搜尋,我們應有盡有。 我們的客房旨在取悅顧客。 明亮通風,打開落地窗,直視城市。 當然,您可以通過客房內的平板電腦控制一切。 如果您需要工作,每個房間都配有非常舒適的辦公桌布置!

訪客 2023.06.16
Minus: The toothbrush holder looked very dirty, I would probably give it a deep clean. There were some signs of mold in the shower and the toilet paper holder was loose from the wall. The rain shower head lived a life of its own, very inconsistent with how the water came out, it also took time for the water to warm up. If you care about noise, don't get a room with a street view, the windows really weren't soundproof at all. The location is a bit sketchy at night. I would also recommend the hotel to advertise to people not to waste food at the breakfast buffet because there was A LOT of it by others when we were there. This is a big thing for hotels in the north. Pros: The room looked quite newly renovated. Seems like the hotel was under renovation because when we were there it was a completely different style from the breakfast room to the room. It's probably going to be very pretty when it's finished. Plus for the minibar and kettle in the room. Plus for a separate toilet room and shower room. Great view from the balcony in the room and from the roof terrace. Great, down to earth staff. Also a very good breakfast, I have stayed in many different hotels and this is one of the best breakfasts in Europe for me.
127 則評論
4.485 TWD
梅塔速爾基奧 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.85km
坐落於梅塔速爾基奧的斯坦利飯店(The Stanley),會讓您在雅典擁有別樣的體驗,開展一段難忘的旅行。飯店地理位置優越,駕車至雅典火車站 - 伯羅奔尼撒站僅需500m 。除此之外,至Metaxourghio地鐵站只需步行前往。旅客們會發現Sherlockedhomes - escape rooms、Lockhill和Travel Trans Athens距離飯店都不遠。 咖啡廳旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Indian Haveli(印度菜)供應一流的推薦美味-Lamb Roganjosh,Balcony Restaurant & Bar(西餐)提供的Ριζότο με φρέσκο μπλε καβούρι, σέσκουλα και κειλ備受好評,Funky Gourmet(地中海菜)的The Silence of the Lamb也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。 室外游泳池讓閒暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閒時光更加完美。飯店的會議廳和商務中心將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。飯店為旅客提供接站服務,舒適到家。

訪客 2022.10.07
135 則評論
5.397 TWD
梅塔速爾基奧 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti2.89km
坐落於梅塔速爾基奧,不論您是商務出差還是休閒旅遊阿波羅飯店都是理想的下榻之處。從飯店出發,至雅典火車站 - 伯羅奔尼撒站僅有600m遠。附近很多景點,包括El Convento Del Arte、Icarus Monument of Fallen Aviators和Travel Trans Athens都離飯店不遠。飯店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在酒吧點上一杯消除一天的疲勞,對於旅客來說是一個不錯的休閒選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,飯店可以提供房間送餐服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近O Thanasis(Ο Θανάσης)(快餐簡餐)的烤羊肉、The Old Tavern of Psarras(Η Παλιά Ταβέρνα του Ψαρρά)(西餐)的葡萄酒和Kanella(西餐)的烤羊小腿或許能勾起您的食慾。飯店休閒區提供了各類設施,您可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。飯店的會議廳提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裡的原因。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

訪客 2023.02.05
Had a fab fantastic stay at the Apollo. Reception staff are lovely . Taxi service to and from ( holiday extras cheapest I found as I Didn’t want bus £74 return fab driver both on time . This is a great central location . The breakfast buffet is the same . But who cares it’s food and it’s included . I’m not a complainer . Get on with it .fab rooftop and amazing views . I paid £330 for this including flights . Not transfer . Jan 23 . I came early and my trip was originally in March and that was £530 for same . So yeh I had a bargain. The rooms are just being decorated and it was lovely . Amazing cake shop on corner . Hop on hop off bus also around the corner . It’s ideal . I was advised as o was a solo female . Lots of asylum and homeless . They can be aggressive at times . Stay away from side streets and told not to go out in the dark . This is normal for me anyway . The sites are awsum and if u are a walker like me . Once u get your bearings . It’s got fab history . Winter is half price entries to all monuments . So Acropolis was only €10 It’s a must . The national park and other monuments are fab . I chose not to go to meteora. Delphi or the islands cruise . Simply readings to many bad reviews . No regrets . They are expensive and extremely long day . But I had a blast exploring athens .
60 則評論
1.512 TWD
LUX&EASY 簽名合柔 234
LUX&EASY 簽名合柔 234LUX&EASY 簽名合柔 234
里歐斯波斯菊 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti4.36km
開業於2023-06-19,相信無論您是一日遊還是深度遊,LUX&EASY 簽名合柔 234都是您Nea Smyrni之行的不二選擇。在該地區觀光很容易,Eklektor、Estιa Neas Smyrnis和Pop Up Cocktail Bar都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Emfasis、菲洛帕波斯紀念碑和Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center (Museum & Theater complex)。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調、液晶電視機和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供24小時熱水,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近The Old Tavern of Psarras(Η Παλιά Ταβέρνα του Ψαρρά)(西餐)、Kanella(西餐)和Dinner in the Sky(西餐)絡繹不絕的人流吧!葡萄酒、烤羊小腿和釀茄子分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。顧客可以在飯店盡情的享受各種體育設施,如在健身室鍛鍊。飯店配置有會議廳,定能滿足您商務活動方面的需求。飯店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

訪客 2023.10.07
This is a beautiful boutique hotel. They are very new and need to work on their communication skills. We were told that the rooftop was closed and that we need to order breakfast the day prior and it would be delivered to our room at the desired time. We waited for our breakfast the following morning and it did not arrive. We went downstairs to hear that breakfast is served on the rooftop ( which we were told was closed). Apparently they changed the plan and didn’t think to inform us. Since we were being picked up for a tour…we had to hurry out with a light snack. That same night, at 11:30 pm we heard someone knocking on a door…only to have the door opened by a man (who apologized). As we were two women travelling together -this was a very upsetting security incident. There are no latches to ensure ure our safety from the inside. The decor is modern and calming. There is a nespresso coffee machine supplied (nice touch). The room was spacious and very clean. We enjoyed our stay…but we’re disappointed in missing out on breakfast and the man unlocking our door late at night. A bit far from the centre of town-but on a Main Street.
70 則評論
4.621 TWD
距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti9.92km
三斯N'U比雷埃夫斯港是比雷埃夫斯新開的飯店之一,於2024-02-29正式運營。飯店地理位置優越,駕車至比雷埃弗斯火車站僅需300m 。旅客們會發現Ieros Naos Agia Triada、Piraeus Railway Station和Electric Railway Museum距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,Moyseio "Myloi Agioy Gewrgioy".、Church of St. Mary of Blachernae和Shooting Sports Group離此都很近。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Naftikos Omilos(海鮮)、VinoBeeroteca - El Patron(Vinobeeroteca)(西餐)或Pizza Capri(Pizza Capri)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,飯店的休閒區定能滿足您的品質需求。飯店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。
16 則評論
5.039 TWD
查看所有Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti飯店


49 則評論
帕格拉提, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.19KM
91 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.33KM
65 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.22KM
18 則評論
Hestia - Dimitressa 4號
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.42KM
86 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.65KM
74 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.63KM
51 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.64KM
105 則評論
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.86KM
46 則評論
帕格拉提, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.9KM
70 則評論
Crowne Plaza 雅典 - 城市中心
利卡貝托丘柯洛納基, 雅典 | 距離Ikastikos Kyklos Sianti0.52KM


普西里/蒙納斯提拉, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 7522
庫卡基衛城, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 5293
訪客This is an extremely nice hotel situated in a perfect location. Our stay and review are based on a Superior room You would be hard pressed to find an Athens hotel in a better location. You are right in the middle of all the action with shops and restaurants nearby. You are spoilt for choice. Although in a busy area we found the excellent double- glazed doors/windows kept any noises out and it was not an issue at all. Our Superior room came with a kettle and tea/coffee making facilities although that is not listed on their website. It may be worth e-mailing them if this is important to you. There was air-con but in March there was no need to make use of it so we cannot comment on its efficiency. The toilet/bathroom came with those tiny bottles of shampoo and body wash which we refuse to use on environmental grounds so we brought our own and used that. There was a sign saying that if the used towels were hung up then it was assumed that we were happy to reuse them. The cleaners replaced them daily regardless. The rooms were kept very clean. This hotel has much going for it. We grabbed a deal here at a very attractive price which included breakfast. The breakfast arrangements were in a fairly small area but we felt that a good selection was provided considering the space limitations. Plenty of fresh vegetable choices and delicious too. The Tomatoes and Cucumber just tasted so much better than we are used to. Cereals, bread, cakes, fruit and coffee from a machine. We looked forward to our breakfast every morning and didn’t grow tired of it. Minor gripes (being very picky). The over the bath shower was a mini battle in so much that it was prone to shoot water out onto the floor if you weren’t being careful. It could have been better but all we had to do was to adjust our showering habits and all was ok in the end. Our room had a balcony facing out to the street below. It would have been nice for a couple of chairs out there rather than just a large pot plant and the air-con unit for company. I did notice that no other balconies on other building had chairs out so perhaps that is just the Athens way. We had a Fridge in our room. Very welcome. A very close mini supermarket was the cheapest place we could find to buy water. E0.39 for 1.5 litres as I recall. We loved this hotel. All the staff were so nice and so helpful. I can’t remember all of their names but Irena and Eva come to mind. They helped make our stay wonderful. It had a curiously homely feel about the place. March time was a great time of the year as it was a pleasant day time temperature with it getting a bit chilly in the evenings. You could still dine outdoors but with a patio heater nearby. We loved Athens and have decided to return next March with the flights already booked. We will stay at the Plaka Hotel again. 5 stars from us
每晚起價: TWD 3772
OO.N.A嗯,好吧,好吧,我可以寫什麼或說這個寶石。位於雅典市中心的Electra Palace Hotel絕對是一流的。城市所提供的一切都在步行距離之內。從我們房間看衛城的景色壯觀,更別說從8樓餐廳看的“死掉”景色了從這裏可以“摸摸”衛城!😄 Electra Palace的早餐是一流的,很好吃。酒店的服務是一流的,是我30多年旅行體驗過的最好的之一。從禮賓部到接待員,以及餐廳的工作人員,都提供了非常專業的服務。我將挑出接待員喬治,他讓我們感到非常歡迎,這是我經歷過的最大微笑和專業服務之一。喬治每次和他互動都有一句話,那就是“每次你微笑,好東西總會來你的。”這句話是在喬治在我丟失後發現我全新的三星耳芽後,酒店開始了一整天搜索酒店內部和外部我們參觀的餐館。謝謝,喬治,你是最好的。還有,Dimitris,他幫助我們搬運行李,太棒了。 總而言之,Electra Palace Hotel是一家超級棒的酒店,我們一定會再去那裏。
每晚起價: TWD 12206
訪客The location was great for my family of 4. Right in Montastraki Sq facing the acropolis and close to the edge of Psiri that comes alive at night with live music, street dancing etc.. the roof top bar was beautiful, great drinks and breakfast. We could walk to Plaka, acropolis l, shopping or the metro. The reception people We’re also very helpful. Would come back anytime. But bring ear plugs for the occasional loud person in the hall. Also, these buildings are old so be aware of slow or small elevators.
普西里/蒙納斯提拉, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 8411
訪客We stayed at Be My Guest Athens for 6 nights in their superior bedroom with a balcony, and had a fantastic time! Our flight to Athens was very early, but reception was very helpful and prioritised getting our room ready to check in early, which was very much appreciated! Spacious room with air con and a lovely sized balcony. Honestly felt like we had our own apartment as we never heard nearby guests. Waterfall shower which was powerful and could always get to a good temperature easily. Daily housekeeping service with new towels everyday. We did have a drink on the rooftop bar, it was a lovely space and you can get a drink at the reception downstairs. Wouldn’t call it a bar so to speak, more just an area to enjoy in the hotel. Location is lovely in our personal opinion, downstairs is a supermarket and a bakery across the road. The next street along had some fantastic restaurants that we tried (Funky Taverna, Abibayo and Underdog) and in 5 minutes walk you can get to loads of coffee shops. You are close to Monstraki too which is about a 10 minute walk, near enough to enjoy without trying to sleep the noisiness. You are actually really close to the Acropolis too, if you walk! It’s about a 15 minute walk, you will have to change to a different line if you get the metro, and it’s a nice enough walk!
每晚起價: TWD 3972
訪客I had a wonderful 2 night stay at Hestia - Asklipiou 61 in Athens. The apartment and facilities are so modern, the property was really easy to access. I did have to call the customer service and they were quick and very helpful. The rooms are gorgeous, super super super clean. The bed was comfy and aircon worked a treat! The view from my room looked over the church which is stunning (the bells are a bit loud but don't last long). The only issue I could foresee staying here is the noise, if you are a light sleeper you may struggle to sleep with the noise from the bars below - however, I put on some white noise and it was no issue for me. Highly highly recommend!
赫斯提亞 - 阿斯克利皮奧 61
赫斯提亞 - 阿斯克利皮奧 61
伊克薩齊亞, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 4512
2264konstantinosaΑν και κάναμε κράτηση την τελευταία στιγμή δεν το μετανιώσαμε καθόλου! Ίσα ίσα που ξεπέρασε τις προσδοκίες μας! Το ξενοδοχείο είναι τόσο καινούριο που η μυρωδιά του καινούριου σε ακολουθεί παντού και μας άρεσε! Είναι πολύ κεντρικό και όλα τα γυρίσαμε με τα πόδια! Το πρωινό είναι πολύ πλούσιο και το λυχναρακι μας άρεσε πολύ αν και όλα τα λεφτά ήταν το καλαθάκι του πικνικ Πισίνα φοβερή και εξαιρετικό ότι την είχαμε μόνο για εμάς χωρίς άλλο κόσμο. Ευχαριστώ όλα τα παιδιά στο ξενοδοχείο που μας πρόσεξαν και φρόντισαν και κάποια ιδιαιτερότητα που είχαμε. Πέρα από επαγγελματίες ζεστοί άνθρωποι όλοι. Θα ξαναρθουμε να δοκιμάσουμε και το τζακούζι!
普西里/蒙納斯提拉, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 3895
庫卡基衛城, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 5270
訪客When writing this review I was conflicted between giving the Delphi Art Hotel 3/4 stars. The location is highly convenient for sightseeing, considering it has a metro station a mere 300m from it. This metro has a direct link to the Acropolis just three stops away and allows you to access with relative ease much of Athens. Within the vicinity (10-15 minute walk) there are lots of very good restaurants and bars. However, be prepared to see many people using injectable drugs during broad daylight and within busy streets right outside the hotel - according to locals, a big issue currently in Athens and more specifically within Omonia. We had a room facing inside, which was cold, with no heater and poorly decorated, however they moved us without issue the following day. We asked for a front facing room with a street view. The decor in this room was much improved and it was reasonably sized, with a heater. The room was clean and soaps were replenished daily. The bathrooms had good facilities and showers were excellent with strong water pressure and constant hot water. Service was good: staff are friendly and helpful. The breakfast was inclusive and reasonable - I was a large fan of the filter coffee, which was refillable! We were half board, therefore breakfast and dinner was also included. The dinner was not our favourite, made worse by the fact there was no choice! Though, having said that, the salad was different each day and mostly enjoyable!
奧摩尼亞, 雅典
每晚起價: TWD 1380


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