

4.7/5109 評價
漂亮的公寓位於第六層,有一塊長度的 teras,景色阿克羅波爾和帕特倫恩。大約90m2的公寓很現代,很舒適。在旅遊區的邊,位於科卡基區,它可以找到一個與餐館、商店和其他地方的雅典環境,儘管這部分城市似乎正在轉變,而不是轉變。如果我們相信街頭有多少子,就可以用來租用。公寓很新近,但維修和家人並不在頂端(我們住在那三晚裏沒有家人,公寓裏什麼都沒有,甚至沒有)這很可能希望有如果這個點沒有重新審視...樓下的客人,有多種優雅的。有些人很有力,有些人,特別是那些似乎是當地的經理,他們不說再見,也不謝,而且似乎只是爲了讓業務轉變...
4.4/5131 評價
Πολύ καθαρό ξενοδοχείο με πάρα πολύ φιλικό προσωπικό. Ωραίο πρόγευμα! Δεν ακουγόταν καθόλου ο θόρυβος από τους περαστικούς που δεν ήταν λίγοι κατά την διάρκεια όλων των ωρών. Το δωμάτιο καθαριζοταν κάθε μέρα και αλλάζοντας τα σεντόνια. Η θέρμανση ήταν καταπληκτική. Ήταν τέλεια όλα! Το συστήνουμε ανεπιφύλακτα
4.2/5105 評價
4.6/515 評價
The design of the suites is rare in that it is spacious. I had the Penthouse Suite which extended the entire side of the hotel. It had balconies on all three sides so you could open the balcony doors and get a summer breeze. I only turned on the air conditioner for my room as mosquitoes will bite you in the early morning. The spectacular ”Ocean Front” view give you a 180 degree view of the Agean Riviera. You could watch the sunrise from the front balcony and watch the full sunset from the balcony or dining room. I could have just stay in the suite all day. The towels and linens are first rate and the hotel will supply you more than you need. Their normal schedule is to clean your room every other day but when I asked they agreed to clean my room every day. I was concerned as the hotel has not been open much for two years due to covid. But everything was like the reviews of two years ago. One important tip is to email or call the hotel directly to make a reservation. You will get a much better rate. The rate I received ($333) was about the same as a hotel room in Athens. It is 7 miles to Athens center and about a $19 Uber fare. Do use Uber. I had a taxi driver that wanted to charge me 250 Euros for the trip. For your GPS and Uber you have to enter your destination as Scale Suites. For some reason the GPS and Uber d0 not recognize the address. The closest ”supermarket” was about the size of a large closet. One further away was the size of a 7-11 store. Restaurants in the area are not very good. But the city Alimos is much nicer than Athens. Not as much graffiti and few beggars and homeless people. If you have a rental car the garage under the hotel makes it so convenient to park your car and walk 10 steps to the elevator that takes you to your suite. In cooler times they have a real fireplace and they sell you bundles of logs. While this is a good hotel it is not the Four Seasons. The manager will probably be unshaven and wearing an old T-shirt. The staff is attired properly. The two hot tubs on the roof allow you have a glass of champagne while having a panoramic view of the coast as well as the mountains in the opposite direction. If you stay at Scale Suites I can assure you will love Athens. But book very early (you have to pay for the entire stay when you book) to get one of the best suites. The Excelsior Suites are not available in the summer time.
4.3/5109 評價
Η Βασιλική ήταν πολύ ευγενική και φιλική! Το μασάζ ήταν υπέροχο μετά από μια κουραστική μέρα! Όμορφος χώρος, άμεση εξυπηρέτηση και επαγγελματισμός. Θα το επισκεφτούμε σίγουρα ξανά στο μέλλον! Βασιλική σ ευχαριστούμε πολύ !
4.3/5113 評價
Ίσως το πιο ωραίο ξενοδοχείο που έχουμε μείνει, με ωραίο πρωινό, καφέ, αλλά και απίστευτη φιλοξενεία και επαγγελματισμό από το προσωπικό. Κοντά στην στάση του Μετρό Μέγαρο Μουσικής, κοντά στην πλατεία Μαβίλης αλλά και στην οδό Μικράς Ασίας που οδηγεί στην πλατεία Αγίου Θωμά στο Γουδί


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