波瑞斯飯店,溫德姆商標系列坐落於安卡拉中心地段,距離圖納裡希爾米大街和克孜拉伊廣場不到 5 分鐘車程。 此飯店距離阿尼特卡比 3.2 英里(5.2 公里),距離Armada Shopping and Business Center 4.4 英里(7 公里)。您可充分利用熱水浴缸和桑拿等度假設施。此藝術裝飾風格飯店的其他服務和設施包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和大廳壁爐。您可以去Pabellon Restoran餐廳享用美味佳餚,也可在這裡的酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯輕鬆一下;天氣好時還可在室外用餐。此外,咖啡館也提供餐飲服務。每天 7:30 至 10:30 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括免費高速有線上網、快速退房和乾洗/洗衣服務。飯店提供免費代客停車。有 51 間特色裝修的客房提供迷你吧和智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的記憶海綿床墊臥床備有羽絨被和高檔床上用品。提供免費有線和無線上網,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;另提供有線頻道,可滿足您的娛樂需求。浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。
Iışıl yücedağ2025.02.20
Hem otel hem de bize gösterdikleri güler yüz olarak her detaylarına bayıldım. Gerçekten bir daha gelmek isteyeceğim bir mekan. Tasarımı da oldukça harika ama tekrar edeceğim bize gösterdikleri güler yüz ve samimiyetin önüne hiç bir lüks geçemez çok teşekkür ederiz.
Location is perfect with many coffee shop, restaurant, retail shop n banks. The hotel is cosy but tidy. The service is up to standard. Just the air condition is not strong enough that making the room’s ventilation not very nice. The breakfast buffet is well served.
訪訪客用戶Located on the hillslope in the south of Kizlay, for walking it is not easy to reach. The room is very clean but there's no lid of the dust bin in the bathroom, so if we throw used paper from toilet it will be stinking. Shower gels and shampoo had very strong mint smell and not comfortable before sleep. Breakfast is average and there's no juice and only cold and hot water with tea bags are available, had only very small portion of meat and no sausage, no omlet but only boiled egg. The most negative part was that the Internet was so slow and even some foreign websites were not accessible at all. Overall it is not bad but there's much to improve and not competitive with other hotels in Ankara.