
4/5105 評價
Be aware of the a well-designed process of this hotel that can your stay a nightmare. Me and my family came to Amsterdam for short vacation in July, not for the first time so I know what to expect there in terms of hotels standards etc. My wife and daughter came one day before me, and once arrived at the hotel and entered the room, they realized it was so hot and humid, that there was no chance they can stay there (especially in case one had high blood pressure or any kind of heart/health issue). Of course, they asked the front desk for any type of solution but there was no intention to solve this, what so ever (they were offered a fan). The only option they were left with was to book a different hotel in vicinity and move from there as soon as they can - this is how bad conditions were. With all the arguments we had, hotel had no intention to offer refund, voucher, discount or any other complimentary or symbolic token of appreciation. What became evident afterwards, is that this is a deliberate process, planned in advance - hotel sends an ”no air condition” email message just 1 or 2 days before the cancellation deadline to be formally correct and they have ”ready-made” answers. While I was trying to solve the issue next day, I've witnessed a young couple with a 6-month baby from West Virginia that had to check out a day earlier because of the same reason, and another guest concerned about the heat and trying to understand these conditions via a phone call - but the front desk agent ”reeled” him in to book, with no intention to warn about the inhumane conditions. All together, not just a terrible hotel but a case of although formally correct process, clearly deliberately misleading and situation that represents a health risk.
4.2/5105 評價
4.1/5106 評價
酒店位置優越,可以俯瞰prinsegracht運河。去試試高級房吧,非常寬敞,配套有沙發和椅子,我們正好入住了其中一間,在我們房間的一角,可以看到很棒的景色。房間內隱約能聽到來往電車的聲音,但好在影響不是很大。酒店員工態度友好且樂於助人。此外,早餐也很不錯。 酒店本身頗具特色,有品質保證,我們在此入住了3晚,期間所需設施一應俱全。此外,我還買了張旅行卡,不過還未使用它。從酒店出發你可以步行抵達多數主要景點。
4.3/5102 評價
就在普林森格拉赫特運河邊上,到處走都很方便。安妮弗蘭克家,韋斯特剋剋和運河船遊都不到5分鐘步行路程。我們在411房間的主樓。太安寧了。其他房間都聽不到任何人的聲音。房間寬敞,裝修有品味,牀也很舒服。可愛的大無障礙淋浴。我們感覺很自在。早餐適合大家。這是自助餐風格,但廚師也提供新鮮的烹飪選擇,如華夫餅、薄煎餅、煎蛋卷和雞蛋,無論您喜歡哪種格式。我們還在餐廳享用了一頓美味的晚餐。它呈現得很漂亮,烹飪得完美。奶酪蛋糕是爲死而死的!所有工作人員都非常友好和平易近人。尤其是Kirsten,在辦理入住手續和幫助解決一些疑問方面非常可愛。只是注意到酒吧不是每晚都開放 - 不過並沒有打擾我們,因爲他周圍有很多地方可以去。我們喜歡我們在這裏住宿,一定會回來。
美憬閣阿姆斯特丹 INK 飯店
4.2/5107 評價
4.2/5109 評價


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