


Cumhuriyet Mah. Selam Sok. No: 13, 阿拉尼亞, 07400, 土耳其查看飯店詳情

阿西飯店 評論-真實旅客評語

37 則評論
入住於 2022 年 11 月
25 則評論
發布於 2022 年 11 月 28 日
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入住於 2022 年 11 月
3 則評論
發布於 2022 年 12 月 7 日
靠近海邊的廉價旅館。步行 15 分鐘即可到達市中心,搭乘巴士只需幾分鐘即可到達。食物很好。
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入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 15 日
不幸的是,我們在阿拉尼亞阿西酒店的住宿令人非常失望。飯店一點也不乾淨。房間很小而且很髒,這讓我們住得非常不舒服。 真正困擾我們的另一點是缺乏瓶裝水。取而代之的是飲水機裡的水,非常不衛生,而且很髒。 酒店位置的描述具有誤導性。雖然距離海灘實際上只有2分鐘的步行路程,但這個海灘實際上屬於另一家酒店。每人需支付210 TL 才能使用。 Arsi Hotel的實際海灘距離酒店約10分鐘步行路程,顯然您無需為那裡的躺椅支付任何費用。然而,它絕對不是沙灘。海裡有幾塊大岩石因「自然保護原因」而無法移除。包括我們在內的幾位客人在這些岩石上受傷。 飯店的食物還不錯——選擇很少,但我們並沒有餓著。服務品質參差不齊:有些員工很好,但其他員工則不然。特別令人惱火的是,當我們還在吃飯時,我們的盤子就被拿走了。 在你來阿拉尼亞之前,你需要知道一件事:這個城市的物價非常高。當我們在外面吃瑪格麗塔披薩時,我們必須支付 9 歐元一份披薩。在我看來,購物一英里也沒有什麼可提供的。首先,它非常昂貴,而且當有30家商店時,你到處都可以找到同樣的東西。你根本無法發現任何不同。 總的來說,我們不推薦阿拉尼亞的Arsi酒店。該地區有很多更好的選擇。
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入住於 2024 年 2 月
發布於 2024 年 2 月 25 日
不要理會那些永恆的抱怨者的負面意見,他們想要一個宮殿,但要支付生態價格……當然,這家酒店不是四星級的,但工作人員非常熱情。就我個人而言,我們的房間每天都會打掃而且很乾淨。是的,自助餐比大型綜合大樓的自助餐更有限,但價格擺在那裡,仍然有選擇,而且每天都在變化。我們處於一個較小的結構中,這非常好,我們不在一個大綜合體的喧囂中,它是「家庭」。海灘直線50公尺(見圖)。 是的,你距離遊客中心步行 30 分鐘(2.5 公里),但同樣,價格就在那裡,但對我們來說這是一個優勢,因為周圍的商店都是按當地價格而不是遊客敲詐的價格。 ……無論如何,對於短途旅行,我們會從您的酒店接您,如果您想自己去而不是步行,街尾有巴士或出租車。碼頭左側還有一家自行車租賃公司,每 24 小時 8 歐元。 事實上,如果你提早下船,到達時就沒有餐食,但責任在於你的旅行社而不是酒店,晚上11點到達或早上6點離開時廚房關閉是正常的。不典型,大多數飯店都是如此…唯一的缺點(如果有必要的話)可能是早上和晚上的用餐時間非常緊張;早餐時間為早上 7:00 至上午 8:30(度假時為時過早),晚上為下午 6:00 至晚上 7:30。兩餐也沒關係...現場提供各種服務:土耳其浴室、按摩、美髮師。
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入住於 2023 年 10 月
發布於 2023 年 10 月 18 日
2023 年 10 月,我們和先生一起度假。我喜歡這家酒店。辦理入住手續沒有任何問題。我們預訂了經濟艙並得到了它;支付額外費用我們可以獲得一個更高級別的房間。我們沒有額外付費。經濟間設有陽台,但沒有窗戶。我們以某種方式參與其中並不再注意到它。床是雙人床,空調運作良好。家具很普通。浴室的水壓非常好。他們並不總是放肥皂,但如果你要求,他們就會給。毛巾不常更換,但每天都會打掃。浴室和廁所聞起來像污水。而且好像有陽台,但可以看到牆的景色。由於可以烘乾衣服,所以這並沒有讓我們感到不安。酒店的位置非常好。附近有一條美麗的堤防。離紅塔很近。我們白天、日落和晚上都去了紅塔。她在一天中的任何時候都很好。海灘距離9公里,但我們沒有購買躺椅。我們從家裡拿了地毯。事實上,根據自己的喜好選擇海岸上的任何海灘都是一種時尚。附近有城市巴士站。靠近克莉奧佩特拉海灘、多姆拉塔斯、堡壘。酒店的食物很好。我們在那裡待了三個星期,你會找到適合各種口味的食物。有甜點和水果。當然,你可以挑剔、找缺點,我們沒有這麼做。咖啡是由咖啡機提供的,每天都有燒烤架和燒烤菜餚。葡萄酒,啤酒,僅此而已。我喜歡這裡的員工。反應靈敏的服務員,友善的廚師,接待處。對孩子們的態度非常好 - 有的給他們雞尾酒,有的安排和他們一起跳舞。這不是動畫,這只是工作人員對待小客人態度的描述。總的來說,這家飯店很溫馨。靠近海邊,約五分鐘。我會把這家旅館推薦給那些想要在預算有限的情況下放鬆身心,同時散步,而不僅僅是喝酒和吃飯的人。網路是免費的,但速度很慢,最好在接待處上網。但也能滿足一般需求。我做了按摩。來自峇裡島的女孩Leila簡直太棒了。我不能說水療中心超級超級,但按摩很棒,非常友好和熟練。有一個小泳池可以躺著喝一杯,但我們沒有使用它,因為大海很棒。我們的假期很棒。非常感謝所有員工的辛勤工作。
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入住於 2023 年 10 月
發布於 2023 年 10 月 10 日
Otel berbat yemekler berbat personel yok denilecek kadar az yemekler kötü ( havuz pis oda yataklar kötü ( ayağımı yatak çarptım kanadı yatağın demiri düzeltmediler ) yemek yimek için erken girmek gerek yoksa çatal ve kaşık yok . Kısacası yorumlardan alakası yok. Bir daha asla gitmem
入住於 2023 年 9 月
發布於 2023 年 9 月 10 日
2 aile 3 oda olarak rezervasyon yaptırdık gittiğimizde odaların temizlendiği söylendi fakat odaya çıktığımızda temizlenmemişti sonra temizlik için geldiler fakat odadan temizlik kokusu gelmiyordu.Her gün oda temizliği gibi bir şey söz konusu değil , sorduğumuzda havluların 3 günde bir değiştirildiğini söylediler.Artı olarak odalara şampuan ve duş jeli koymamışlardı -sadece yeni odalara koyduklarını söylediler- . Resepsiyona şikayetlerimizi ilettiğimizde de bizlik bir şey yok dediler. Hijyen sıfırdı -otelden kaynaklı mı bilmiyoruz ama hepimiz enfeksiyon kaptık-
入住於 2023 年 8 月
發布於 2023 年 8 月 14 日
Мне отель безумно понравился, все сотрудники отзывчивые и милые, отвечают и решают все проблемки сразу, без нервотрепки. Все стараются сделать твой отпуск бесподобным. Еда была разнообразная и вкусная, поворам большой респект. Номера сделаны косметич.ремонты недавно, все чисто и аккуратно,работают кондеи. Видели самого хозяина Али, постеснялись подойти, поэтому пишем здесь, спасибо за ваш отель, ваш труд и труд, всего персонала. Отельный пляж имеет отличный заход в море, в пешой доступности все магазины, до центра города рядом от отеля ездит городской автобус 1. Советую к посещению.
入住於 2023 年 6 月
發布於 2023 年 6 月 26 日
Отдыхали в данном отеле в октябре 2022 года. Отель находится на окраине, до центра 20-25 минут пешком, до моря пара минут, до ТЦ Аланиум минут 15-20. Ближайший пляж №9, лежаки только за деньги, мы ни разу не брали, обходились своими полотенцами. Отель заявлен как 4 звезды, но по факту на четверку он не тянет, скорее на тройку. Сотрудники по-русски не говорят, ведут себя крайне не любезно. Несколько дней подряд активно навязывали хамам, но мы не взяли. Несколько дней были перебои с горячей водой, уборка была хоть и каждый день, но для галочки, она заключалась в выносе мусора и добавке туалетной бумаги. Последнюю неделю почему-то перестали докладывать мыло. Номер у нас был неплохой, хоть и немного убитый, зато с видом на море. Сантехника была исправна, холодильник и фен работали. Не горела лампа над кроватью. Не работал дозатор для жидкого мыла, но после нашего обращения его наладили. Телевизор показывал очень плохо, сплошная рябь, да и каналов на русском языке там все равно не было. Интернет не очень быстрый, зато бесплатный. Питание хоть разнообразием и не отличалось, но все было свежее и вполне себе вкусное. Когда в отель заселялось много европейцев, питание становилось заметно лучше. И соответственно наоборот. Считаю, что своих денег отель не стоит. За такую цену можно найти более достойный вариант, пусть это будет 3 звезды, но с более доброжелательным отношением к туристам.
入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 25 日
Do not visit this hotel, false advertising and extremely small rooms. I was sent to a different sister hotel which was worse. Had to pay for an different hotel which i recommended it’s called Magi Appartments, stay here instead it’s right near.
入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 24 日
Be away from this hotel! I have to spent 3 hours looking for new hotel to be away from this DIRTY! SMELLY! AND RUDE OF PEOPLE PLACE! AND PAY FOR A NEW PLACE TO HAVE A STANDART TO STAY! 1) Celling very dirty and the lights doesn’t work in the bathroom. 2) Very dirty sink full of mould. 3) NOT ACEPTABLE TOILET. 5) Please have a look at toilet holder was dirty and even yellow of dirt. 6) Only small light above the mirror was working. 7) Black ceiling above the shower was that dirty. 8) Broken grouting in the shower was is health and safety issue cos I get hurt my feet’s 9) Bed with dirty and not fresh pillow and pillows case. 10) Cables coming out from the wall cos lamp is missing what is also health and safety issue. 11) Yellow air conditioner which one doesn’t work. 12) Dirty and yellow and without even pillow cases. 13) The room was properly smelling of dumb. Could be dangerous for my health. 14) I have been ask to me relocate but the reception manager refuse to relocated my room. I’ve been showed twice the room which one wasn’t up to 4star hotel standard. This is not even 2star hotel. SPECIALLY HOTEL MANAGER VERY RUDE AND I DO NOT WANTED TO STAY EVEN 5 MINUTES IN THIS PLACES ! FIRST TIME I HAD OCCASION TO GET THAT HORRIBLE EXPERINCES AND I HAVE JUST LOST MY MONEY! DO NOT GO THERE!
Yunus Emre A
入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 7 日
****** MANAGEMENT !!!! Before starting our horrible experience at this place I would like to say; 1. They use cheapest food, and salads are smelling soo bad. 2. Hotel rooms and services are terrible air-conditions are broken. 3. Room's walls are peeled off and TV bearly works. 4. There are lots of dishes on the stairs 5.Gym room looks like forgotten place in this hotel and only 3 machines and i fixed one of them, training mats are dirty Guys you should stay away of this place. I m from Turkey but I live in England. I booked this place online while i came to istanbul for 4 people my misses from Europe once we got to hotel they asked for our ID cards and passport and gave them mine and my wife's passport as soon as I gave my mother's and niece's turkish ID cards they said you guys are not allowed to stay here we don't do any transactions with this ID even though this place is in turkey and we are turkish citizens they even said for my wife she is not allowed as well even though she has a european passport that hurt me alot. We paid as pound and got our confirmation by booking company through the booking website and they had our details on reception desk we were gonna stay there for 4 nights but I found out by someone's help that this is their trap they pull people over there and say you haven't got booking and try to convince you to cancel your booking as they know you will rebook there and it will cost you much more. Basically we paid 470£ pound online and when they asked for another one we had to pay around 800£ pound. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STAY AWAY THIS MONEY SCAMMERS
入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 4 日
Room: If u got an econmy room they will put u in really small room where toilet and bathroom are together which is uncomfortable, Beds are really nice, Good AC(aircone), Food: Is quite good, I dont agree with some reviews here sayin its bad coz its quite nice unless ur posh then oh well. PLUS free drinks like alcohol and soft drinks Hotel: Its overpacked which feels sometimes there's no room to breathe, swimming pool is a decent size but havin a lot of people in it feels claustrophobic, sauna is paid extra (not free), wifi is RUBBISH get a sim card at the airport trust me on this one. Staff: reception really nice and funny, tour guide is trying to give u highest prices would not recommend taking up his offers, just book it online by typin alanya boat trip for example. Location: 2hrs away from the airport which means u have to wake up early for flight if u got coach transfer. On goodside is super close to the beach and a lot of attractions in alanya Overall is Okayish I could come back here for but lower price
入住於 2024 年 7 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 2 日
Went for a relaxing week away and that’s not what we got . Hotel was over run by 2 maybe 3 young football teams . The boys overtook the restaurant and I saw them handle food then put it back . They were also really roudy at pool and in rooms at night . My husband had to go to reception twice to report the noise (doors slamming and shouting etc) Food was truly rotten , not labelled so didn’t have a clue what it was or for people with allergies it was dangerous. Chef looked as if he could be the maintenance man as he was not in whites . No toaster which would have been a godsend as I might have ate something. Pool was murky looking and never once in a week did we witness it getting cleaned or any samples being taken . Staff rude . Tip boxes all over dining room as well as at front desk . Dirty plates lying on stairwell . Poor all inclusive drinks , no whisky or brandy or white rum . Holiday was not expensive but probably average for a week in Turkey . It was definitely a letdown to say the least and I recommend anyone to avoid .
入住於 2024 年 6 月
發布於 2024 年 6 月 28 日
Well myself and my daughter booked 2 weeks here and omg what a absolute dump we aren't picky or posh but there isn't 1 good thing to say about this hotel.food repetitive, drinks in tiny plastic cup,no music at pool which isn't the size of a postage stamp.The pool water is filthy and water is murky and warm,in all our time there we didn't see it cleaned once.Floors are a death trap really slippy and always wet .Our room was filthy stains on sofa holes in bedding we complained and had to pay 30 quid to get a clean room . If you aren't first down for meal times there's nothing left ,when it's gone it's gone they dnt replace the gateaux etc ,so it's tuff if your not there bang on time .maids are good ,the shop in the hotel is a disgrace he's a robber over charging for everything doubling the prices . So avoid avoid