

4.3/5102 評價
This small, family owned resort is gorgeous. It’s tiny, so if you’re looking for tons of different types of cuisine and night life- this isn’t the place for you (I was in bed by 9pm on two nights of my trip…my dream come true). I felt safe the entire time I was on property and at the beach bar. The food they offer is AMAZING (seriously dreaming of that lime-tortilla soup), the beach bar right next door also has some food options. It was all freshly prepared and delivered to our room or the beach for us! Tony & crew were SO accommodating!! The beach bar has amazing drinks as well (one too many “Dirty Monkeys” did lead to the best beach nap ever) & it the views are GORGEOUS!!! I had a pool facing room, and my parent had a beach facing condo and I enjoyed both. The rooms are cold, showers are hot, & the beds are clean. There’s some things as far as the rooms go that aren’t five star (zebra sheets are weird, there’s some mineralization on the faucets & shower)- but you’re in the jungle & on a beach so that constant humidity provides some wear and tear. The things that mattered (clean, cold A/C, Hot shower) were all there. There was also smart TVs in the rooms and strong wifi. And I slept like a rock on my king sized bed. I had read some prior reviews about the “king sized beds” being 2 twin mattresses put together but I was pleasantly surprised to find that we all had king sized mattresses. I only wore shoes for like 5% of my entire vacation!! I had a FABULOUS time & will return year after year. Also- if you walk down the beach about 200 yard there’s beach side massages- best massage of my life. I’m sitting at home trying to figure out how to quit my job, sell my belongings and move to Villas De Rosa- that’s how much I loved it!!
4/5101 評價
我是一名環保主義者和自然愛好者,與我的財務負責人在這裡度蜜月。 。 。 。我們對在Xcaret的西方住宿感到更加滿意! !我們正處於20幾歲的年輕時,發現這家酒店是浪漫,生態友好,價格合理,娛樂和難忘的完美融合。 我們提前購買了打折的所有票-通過Costco Travel提前進入Xcaret公園(附在度假村中)的通行證-這絕對物有所值!整個星期我們都可以多次進出公園。該公園提供免費的地下洞穴游泳,蝴蝶庇護所,通往古代瑪雅遺址的通道,活著的鳥類博物館,鬱鬱蔥蔥的溫室,自然教育徑,魚修腳,天然游泳池,水族館等等! 在酒店度假村,工作人員確實付出了額外的努力,以確保每個人的滿意。我有嚴格的飲食需求:無麩質,無乳製品,無肉,無油。幸運的是,廚師們格外小心,這樣我每頓飯都能吃得很好。他們甚至讓我們住了一晚的牛奶店-免費巧克力-蓋草莓!特色餐廳是我們晚餐的最愛,但白天我們對自助餐感到非常滿意。 我沒有想到我會改變我們的住宿的任何事情。我們倆都希望體重不會增加那麼多,但我們將其歸咎於冷凍飲料。 。 。而且無論如何不要後悔。感謝Occidental / Xcaret的每個人,使我們的蜜月成為我們一生中最快樂的一周之一:)


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