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  • 搜尋飯店


4.6/5114 評價
4.6/5很好114 評價
住了兩個晚上 設施真的不錯很有感 住房前需要交3000台幣 預付金 這規矩我也懂了解 吸煙的就到外面抽 很可惜 到底最後錢還是被扣2200台幣 說床單被袋占到顏色不能洗要報廢 說真的 扣錢也明白接受 但扣的價錢也很貴不了解 不好說的是 本身那張被袋也不是全白 二十輪大安區酒店 這間是我期待已久想住的酒店 三年後第一次去台灣旅行 感覺不是很好 不過下次還是會再去台灣 嘗試其他新酒店。
4.2/587 評價
4.2/5不錯87 評價
What sets this hotel apart: If you are looking to stay in a quiet neighborhood (instead of a hotel along a busy/noisy street) with a good value/price, great service, and convenient location in Taipei, this hotel is a strong contender. This combination is what sets it apart from other hotels. Hotels nearby are either priced higher or along the main streets. Positives: - The team's service and attitude are consistently professional and courteous throughout my entire stay. Everyone was professional. No one came across rude, impatient, or defensive. They thanked me for choosing them and also took responsibility/ownership on things they did not do right the first time. - They took notes on things you said and requested with immediate response or within 24 hours if needed more time. - They practiced active listening, asked clarification questions to ensure what I needed/requested. - Excellent breakfast, full of variety. They kept standard items standard by providing them daily but also added some variety by changing 3-5 dishes. All foods are fresh and prepared on site. - Housekeeping service had great attitude and was efficient in cleaning throughout the entire stay. - They have an elevator. Most hotels in Taiwan have elevators. - They are happy to help moving your luggage upon request. - Excellent hot shower temperature and pressure - Amenities provided in the room is abundant with good quality - They are trustworthy in honoring pre-agreed upon check-in requirements. Before booking this hotel, I asked about the check-in requirements and what I felt comfortable providing and what not. They agreed and executed accordingly. I appreciate how their words and actions are consistent, which is very different from some hotels (Best Western always acted inconsistently, Marriott, Hilton, and IHG hotels are spotty, some are good, and some are bad) in the US and Canada where they said/agreed one things and acted differently when I arrived at the front desk for check-in. Hotel services in Taiwan are generally much better in terms of service attitude and honoring their words. - Effective expectation management and communication - When raising issues, they took it with positive attitude: they always first owned it by providing a sincere apology, tried to solve it immediately. If they couldn't solve it right away, they asked for more time and provided a timeframe on when it would be solved. Throughout my stay, 50% of issues were solved immediately, and 50% were solved within 12 to 24 hours. No issues remained unresolved. - Common areas are always very clean and organized. Negatives: - Not always have people at the front desk to help open the heavy doors. Better to change it to auto-sliding doors. - The elevator carpet is gross and dirty: time to change it. There was a hair hidden underneath the hand towel on first day - raised the issue and they fixed it the next morning. Should not have missed at first place. - There was a dirty blue cup with watermarks all
4.4/5100 評價
4.4/5滿意100 評價
#台北酒店 酒店位於大安區,門口就是大安捷運站出口,在中心地帶,去那裏都好方便! 旁邊有多個小店及咖啡廳,早餐時段更是好多排隊 轉角仲有一間三層樓高的Starbucks,望住街道及捷運站,可以帶電腦來嘆杯咖啡 酒店房間空間都幾大,設有浴缸🛁,及浸浴🚿位,設備齊全。 二樓還有健身室🏋🏻♀️
2.9/52 評價
2.9/52 評價
4.3/5145 評價
4.3/5滿意145 評價
4.4/5386 評價
4.4/5滿意386 評價
福華飯店,我已經住了很多很多次了!我30年前的結婚就是在福華舉行,對它有特殊的情感,地理位置優越,停車方便,游泳池很乾凈,健身房也不錯,它的名店商場也非常得好,臨近的餐廳、小吃和百貨商圈、捷運(地鐵)和機場大巴都非常的近👍 就是飯店老了一些,設備設施要改善的話,還是要經過一番的設計規劃,與時代接軌,還要具有未來性與前瞻性🙏😊
4.5/556 評價
4.5/5滿意56 評價
這是我來台北必去的地方!除了希望酒店的位置就在火車站旁邊或上面之外,我幾乎找不到這家酒店的任何缺點。儘管如此,忠孝復興的位置非常中心,你可以搭乘火車或巴士前往任何地方。從火車站步行至飯店約5分鐘。大廳位於 5 樓,很漂亮,晚上變成了迷你酒吧休息室。大廳設有供應飲品的小吃店,開放給客人。您也可以對酒店的一些商品發表評論。房間很大,有廁所和淋浴。有兩個水槽。例如廁所和淋浴是分開的。對於淋浴,有一個浴缸區,經過一天的參觀和步行後非常舒適。我也喜歡復古的音樂播放器。電視很大,有很多頻道。床很大很舒服。這裡確實是台北必去的地方。從地鐵步行到飯店就可以看到101的景色。周圍還有很多全家便利商店。酒店實際上就在警察局旁邊。
4.6/5101 評價
4.6/5很好101 評價
酒店位置非常好,樓下就是公車站,附近也有捷運站,走15分鐘可到臨江街夜市 服務人員非常友善,會主動幫我們將行李送上房間 房間寬敞明亮,還有每天補充的飲品和小零食,每天5-6pm也會在酒吧免費提供小吃和飲料 值得再次預訂👍🏻
4.5/529 評價
4.5/5滿意29 評價
Stayed at Chez Nous during our visit to Taipei. Ideal location in Da'an for all the key attractions: National Museum, Taipei 101, Meakong cable car, Chiang Kai-She memorial and Shilling Night Market (all accessible via the local metro station. Staff at the hotel were extremely helpful and friendly and offered their help whenever we needed it. Breakfast in the hotel was excellent, different dishes every day but all with a ********* theme. The hotel also has the benefit of being located above an excellent cocktail bar - Weekend. Overall the perfect place to stay if you need a base close to the centre of Taipei.
4.3/59 評價
4.3/5滿意9 評價
出差到此找住宿,早餐和咖啡吸引了我,果然優!早餐八點才供應,可以前一天預定,我八點到餐廳已經放在桌上等我了:) 房間不大,但簡單乾淨,睡床舒服。貼心提供豆腐頭,插座也方便。 衛浴小,但清潔用品吹風機都齊全,還有免治馬桶,很舒服! 旅店也是咖啡廳,晚上結束營業後,咖啡廳的空間就開放房客使用,稍稍彌補空間不大的問題。還在客房區貼心準備茶水點心冰箱。員工親切可愛! 交通便利,就位於捷運大安站後方,對短暫住宿是很棒的選擇。
4.6/5132 評價
4.6/5很好132 評價
✅: 服務超級良好,優質客戶服務質素。準時三點到即刻可以check-in 員工極度有禮貌同埋友善。地點超級方便,20分鐘生活圈,可行走到著名的不老松按摩館。附近亦有多間著名酒吧。 ❌: 衛生環境絕對有待改進,官方照片比實際上出色十倍。房間不算大,而且沒有 house keeping/ do not disturb 的告示,如果需要清潔,每天出門前要通知前台。或者12:00會有職員敲門。 題外話: 因為地板為白色,所以污跡非常明顯,接受度低的人可能會比較反感。跟員工反映後立刻更換了另一間房。員工反應非常快捷,立即處理。
4.4/5309 評價
4.4/5滿意309 評價
裝潢風格很美,房間採光也好,整體不錯。 隔音和早餐偏弱,但瑕不掩瑜。 唯一困惑的是:棉被上跑出一隻小蟲,擔心地把床檢查一遍,沒看到其他威脅,就只有這隻,查看衣櫃浴室也都乾淨,睡了一晚起來也沒問題,就當牠是隻意外吧。 沐浴備品不走浮誇的名牌路線,選用質地親膚、品質穩定的產品,看得出來飯店採購有用心❤️會想再次入住👍🏻
