
4.5/57 評價
4.4/569 評價
Hotel San Michele is a MUST stay while in Cortona! It is a beautiful, upscale, clean, and professional business in the heart of Tuscany's most charming city. The staff were all extremely nice and helpful, providing tips and recommendations for restaurants and things to do throughout our stay. Gabriel and Manuel were both fantastic. The rooms/bathrooms were spacious, clean, and very cozy! My husband and I will definitely stay here again, and will recommend to anyone visiting Cortona. Wish we didn't have to leave!
4.5/526 評價
Four years ago, after breaking my ankle while on vacation in Palermo, I happened upon Villa Baldelli for an overnight stay while touring Tuscany. My ankle was inspected by an orthopedic surgeon in Naples who felt it would heal on its own with just an air-boot for support. I continued my trip arriving at Villa Baldelli for an overnight stay, two weeks after my accident. The pain and swelling was continuous and I had bruised some ribs and strained muscles in my back as well. I had asked Francesca if she could arrange for a massage for my back and the next day and I was introduced to Rosanna. At first, Rosanna inspected my areas of complaint and soon began to massage the area around my ankle. I wasn’t expecting this as the ankle had an active broken fibula and pressing around the area was very painful. With eyes bright with compassion, Rosanna said through my translator that she was going to relieve the swelling in my ankle which would help to reduce the pain. With tears in my eyes, I followed her lead and much to my amazement, she was right. For the first time in weeks I was in less pain, allowing me to sleep better and move around with much less discomfort My wife and I had only planned to stay at Villa Baldelli for a night or two, but decided to stay for a week so that Rosanna could provide further massages. Plus the charming location, beautiful grounds with a pool that I could move around in and Francesca’s suggestions on things to do in the area made this an easy decision. Rosanna’s healing touch gave me great relief after each massage, allowing me to continue on our vacation for the remaining 4 weeks as planned. I ended up needing surgery to repair the broken fibula and found a great Orthopedic surgeon in Innsbruck to perform the procedure. After telling him of my journey he stated that the therapy received by Rosanna was very important. With all of this said above, what is missing is emotion I felt after having Rosanna care for me during such a challenging period. We communicated as best we could, but she communicated best with her eyes. Rosanna looked at me in such a way that I knew that she’d take the best care of me possible, and she did. I was beginning to worry that my broken ankle would spell the end of my very active life. She replaced my despair with hope, her compassion was shown through her eyes and her healing touch. I could not have found a better guardian angel… We had such good memories of our stay at Villa Baldelli we planned to return two years later but the pandemic hit and dashed our plans. We finally returned to Villa Baldelli in May of 2022. Francesca remembered me from our stay in 2018 and said that Rosanna was still giving massages. I immediately asked to schedule an appoin**ent with Rosanna, not so much because I needed one but rather because I wanted to see her again and tell her the rest of my story and to let her know just how important a role she played in my full recovery. It was a wonderful reunion!
4.7/59 評價
這家住宿以其風景如畫的建築和場地而是一個受歡迎的驚喜。我們在一樓可愛的2臥室公寓裏非常舒適。經理爲您提供了電子大門和房間的簡短描述。它們有托斯卡納油的香味。牀很舒服,浴室有柔軟的毛巾,熱水充足,有華麗的托斯卡納洗髮水和淋浴油。廚房足以基本烹飪。不過,請記住,除了2個咖啡豆,幾個茶包,還有一瓶免費的水,我們游泳在游泳池裏,很涼爽,但很乾淨。他們每人提供一條游泳池毛巾。我們認爲的建議會讓我們的住宿更好:1.房間裏的簡編解釋了加熱/冷卻系統。此外,如果你提前離開,大門被鎖了,就沒有關於鑰匙下車的信息。我們不得不爬上大門。儘管經理給你一個號碼來消息,但回覆不是即時的,所有這些都可以在信息小冊子中涵蓋。這是一個非常容易的修復2。一個盤子架,你可以坐在爐頂上,排回水槽(沒有地方把洗過的盤子放在爐頂旁邊的爐子上) 3.備用茶巾(只有1個提供3天) 4.鑑於沒有洗滌設施(我們知道),超過1條浴巾本來會很好!
笛皮薩諾別墅 - 全球華麗精品飯店
4.7/569 評價
我們在這住了4晚,這是我們在2013年4月在意大利的蜜月期。總的說來這個酒店非常夢幻,很棒,這裏經常遊人穿梭。這的服務員非常棒,待人接物特別好。我們住的很開心。這的服務真是一級棒,很贊。這的客房很美而且很寬敞,周邊就是花園和美景,還能欣賞到鄉村的別樣風情和泳池的暢快。 我們在這吃了2頓晚餐,這的大廚真是頂呱呱,手藝相當了得,我們很滿意。這的早餐非常可愛。這的泳池和花園這是可愛極了,我們還租了一輛單車在這繞着酒店附近溜達。 酒店保養保潔工作做得特別好,周邊風情十足。極力推薦! 這個地段同樣好的沒話說。大家開車還能在周邊溜達,非常不錯。建議各位不妨租個單車騎騎,感覺非常不一樣。
Il Loto
0/53 評價



平均價格 (週末)€178
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