
4.1/541 評價
I was really looking forward to my 2.5 week stay in Denmark and I was staying in this hotel all of the time. First of all, I cannot fault the staff, they were super friendly and could not do enough to help throughout the stay. Sadly, the hotel was not so pleasant. It is located in the main square in Skjern and opposite the Railway station. Both places are the hang out for the local teenagers and with a bar in the square it is unbelievably noisy from Thursday and over the weekend, with lots of drunks shouting and screaming until 05.00 in the morning. I did not expect total silence but I was shocked just how noisy it is with a window open. The hotel provides ear plugs but even they are useless against the noise. We stayed in October/November which is a quieter period, I can imagine the outside noise being many times worse in the Summer. If you close your window, you face the next problem. The rooms have no ventilation at all. No a/c or way of circulating air. The bathroom has a heated floor which is set at 21 degrees and cannot be adjusted or turned off by you, so the room becomes very uncomfortable. The radiators also are set and after asking for the hotel staff to turn the radiator off, they still came on during the night, making it impossible to sleep. The hotel was full so another room was not possible despite it being requested. We were fortunate to have a bath but after my wife had finished the drain was faulty so the bath emptied over the bathroom floor. we quickly had to run down to the bar and ask for help. They gave us extra towels to soak up the water and said that it would be fixed the next day. After it apparently being fixed, the next bath flooded the floor again and after using more towels to mop up the water, we reported it but knew that is had not been fixed properly because when having a shower, water leaked onto the floor. We gave up reporting it. Some of our friends experienced power cuts on 2 occasions and were less than happy. The rooms have no storage at all. No drawers fore cloths and apart from 4 x hangers on an open rail, that is all you have. This is insufficient for 1 person let alone a couple. The bed is very comfortable, so that helped when we could not sleep due to the noise or the heat! Before we left, we booked a table for 14 people to have a meal in the restaurant. We booked for 19.00 and were asked to look at the menu in advance if possible. There are only 5 choices for the main course (steak, game, burger, vegetarian and a fish dish) and 3 for the starter. 4 hours before we were due to sit down, we were informed that we must make our choices by 17.00. This was not well received because some were uncontactable but we tried our best. 2 hours before, we were informed by a note left outside our room that the meal had been brought forward to 18.30. This was impossible to relay to all due their whereabouts. It resulted in one of the group, walking in from work and immediately having to sit down in work clothes. Th


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