嘉義安蘭居旅店(An Lan Jie Hotel)位於嘉義市中心(嘉義市合法旅館第077號),鄰近火車站及公車站之鬧區。若旅客搭乘高速鐵路至嘉義旅遊,搭乘BRT接駁車亦可方便到達本館。提供上下鋪的多人房及雙人四人套房;飯店內有無線上網、大廳有衛星電視、簡式廚房;浴室有全天候供應之熱水。還有免費茶包、咖啡、可安心飲用之濾水器飲用水、吹風機、床單、枕頭套、嘉義縣市之旅遊地圖,各房皆有冷氣設備。並有一間無障礙浴廁。 想要上阿里山、嘉義縣其他景點或造訪其他城市,這裡都是理想的住宿場所。 營業人:安蘭居國際青年館有限公司。統編:54507933
The hostel has a good location near the train station and bus to Alishan. Breakfast is very basic but an option or street food and a 7-11 aren’t far away. Female dorm is incredibly small for a six bed. And next to no storage so your luggage and is literally everywhere in the room with the junk already in the room. En-suite bath is an option but it’s also small and the shower section is almost on top of the sink and toilet. AC is modest in the room but helps as the entire hostel is hot and humid all day and night. Beds are semi comfortable but have privacy curtains which were nice. WiFi is solid in the hostel as well. Despite the hot temps and painfully small rooms, I don’t feel like the hostel took much of any precautions around the COVID-19 virus. Hostel wasn’t really cleaned or disinfected, no real soap outside of the main kitchen sink, only one small bottle of sanitizer for people to spray their hands. And only one staff member wore masks. At every other hostel I’ve stayed at in Taiwan do significantly more to make guests feel comfortable during this challenging time. The hostel is a very good value but I wouldn’t recommend it or return. The lack of precautions with the virus and the cramped hot rooms with no storage are three strikes and you’re out for me
嘉義小青旅(Chiayi Petite Hostel)由愛旅行的夥伴創造出最適合旅行者的空間,以最簡約的背包客氛圍給來自世界各地的旅者最舒適的住宿體驗。我們位於嘉義市區發展最早的區域,離火車及公車站約3分鐘的路程,周邊走路可抵達的地方吃喝玩樂一應俱全,小青旅也提供專為您量身訂做的旅行建議。請帶著一顆擁抱青春的心,在小青旅,開啟屬於您的青春冒險!