
4/576 評價
First time at this hotel but have used many hotels over the years in this resort as a four-star hotel I would rate it on the lower four stars staff was a little hit and miss at times left standing for nearly ten minutes with ice creams in my hand? and one evening i was the second person at the bar the barman knew I was waiting but managed to serve five customers then walked away i had to call him back to request bar service, Pool area was nice and clean with clean fresh towels and always sun loungers empty pool was the best outdoor pool it was like a bath ( only open this year July August ) could have stayed in it all day long the lifeguard spent a lot of time on his mobile which is a concern when you have small children in and around the pool area. the kid's entertainment lady? well, she may as well have not been there we had an active two-year-old in our group and she never once approached us the. we stayed in both front sea view rooms and also their apartments. sea view rooms were nice but a little dated and I have to say the beds were the worse hard beds ever like sleeping on concrete? if you don't have a back problem when you come to leave you will have not 4-star beds at all. the apartments appear to sit around the corner away really from the hotel down a local street they offer ground-floor or first-floor apartments ground floor apartments are not very private even with the small hedge in front the hotel offers parking but lots of on-street parking around the local area if you do not mind a short walk the beach is a flat easy 10 minute walk away so to the mud baths. the spa within the hotel was a little expensive but very nice and the saltwater pool offers something different but please remember hats and googles
4.2/541 評價
Firstly we would not say this is a 4 star hotel, possibly a 2 star however, we paid €60 per night (plus €15 per night parking) in mid July for a double room on the 6th floor and we thought it was good value for money. The good things first, staff were exceptionally friendly with the front desk always manned. Our room was large and airy with good air con and the bed very large and comfortable. Location is perfect for the town centre which is a 10 to 15 minute stroll away. Things to improve on …. The allocated hotel spaces in the underground parking are exceptionally tight - if you have a car bigger than a Ford Focus you will probably struggle to park here. Despite exchanging emails on different subjects before our visit they never told us that improvement work was being carried out on the hotel; you don’t even get told on your check in - there is just a sign in the lift. Consequently, when we were woken up in the morning at 9am with the sound of jack hammers we were not impressed. Our room on the top (6th) floor was very dated and certainly looked nothing like the rooms shown on their websites. The double glazing had no effect in stopping outside street noises especially the street sweeper at 6 am. The bathroom is not vented nor has an openable window, there are no cups or glasses of any type supplied in the room; free tea and coffee is available in the foyer. There is no bar or restaurant in the ‘4 star’ hotel though a continental breakfast can be purchased. So, would we go back or recommend this hotel - strangely yes if the price stays the same and they complete the renovations.
4.4/553 評價
Amazing views over Lorca, new and well thought facilities. Everything in parador is arranged in a masculine design - stone and iron. Next to it there is a fortress park and two towers to visit. It's a pity we could not use the Spa though.
4.5/5104 評價
3.7/510 評價
公寓很棒!我們在頂樓,景色令人驚歎!公寓非常適合度假,只要你有冰箱和廚房做飯,就很短或長。我對浴室印象深刻,因爲它非常舒適,空間很大。我們有一個陽台,把毛巾掛在外面很好。我們沒有嘗試健身房或餐廳,所以我不能說太多。周圍環境很棒,他們有一個迷你高爾夫,還有一個兒童遊樂場,這對家庭來說非常好。室外游泳池看起來很棒,但我們也沒有去。酒店附近有酒吧,餐廳和商店買食物,非常方便。Lo lo
4.4/575 評價
My experience was awesome . Everything was great, especially the staff was fully specialist and friendly !!! The rooms were accordingly arrange. The reception were very helpful and willing the guide us .
巴爾尼爾里奧阿爾切納萊昂 - 萊萬特飯店
4.1/532 評價
UN DESASTRE!!! La página web no especificaba si admitían mascotas y,llamamos para confirmarlo. Al día siguiente de llegar nos dicen que por llevar la mascota había que cambi**** de habitación a una de gama superior ( con salón/suite) y ,abonar 40€/por noche extra + 10€/por día por la mascota. Al decirle que estábamos bien en la que habíamos reservado y pagado, nos dijeron que tanto si nos cambiábamos como sino, que nos iban a cobrar los 50€ por día extras. Preguntamos por un hervidor en la habitación ( no corresponde los servicios a un hotel de 4****) y nos dijeron que se cobraba a parte.
曼嘉波賽頓 Spa 飯店
4.1/578 評價
Great hotel in a quiet part of La Manga. Lovely comfortable bed, tv and mini fridge. Any problems are very quickly sorted out by the in house maintenance man. Lots of hot water and toiletries, a free bottle of water in the room, and a welcome drink on arrival. Pool area with plenty of shade. Staff very good, our room had a fabulous view. A bottle of cava in ice was put in our room as a surprise birthday gift from the management. Breakfast and dinner buffet was varied and very good. Only one downside for us was the hotel is now only “designed for adults”, not adults only - meaning there were children in the hotel. This is because of a new Spanish law which bans discrimination of families from any hotel.
4.2/575 評價
4.3/546 評價
可愛的酒店,位置優越,適合探索卡塔赫納。接待處真的很友好和樂於助人,房間很漂亮。非常現代,裝修得很好。我們還在房間裏有一個水壺,裏面有茶水和咖啡以及冰箱。 肯定會再次預訂這家酒店。


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平均價格 (平日)KRW 161,289
平均價格 (週末)KRW 171,258