若想要遊覽帕岸島,帕岸島恰恰色拉海灘別墅飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。著名的景點Salad Beach、哈遙和Mae Haad Beach均可步行很短距離到達。從飯店到Haad Chao Phao Beach遊覽很方便,Thong Lang Beach和Secret Beach也均在附近。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和液晶電視機。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供24小時熱水和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。飯店設有酒吧,您可在這裡放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,只需呼叫送餐服務。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Pim Boutique Tea Room & Organic Food、Three Sixty Bar(其他)和Salad Hut Restaurant(Salad Hut Restaurant)(亞洲菜)不妨可以試試。在您的空閒時間去按摩室放鬆一下,定能給您帶來曼妙的度假體驗。飯店配備有會議廳,可供旅客使用。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。
We had an amazing stay at Villa ChaCha. Location was excellent, very close to a number of lovely restaurants on the beach. The accommodation itself is about a 2 minute walk to the beach (which was great for swimming!) The staff were very friendly and helpful. The only criticism I have is that our room was not serviced for almost 2 days. After having reminded them, they serviced it 👌The room was clean and the bed was very comfortable. The massages right on the beach were amazing and well-priced.
This part of the island is truly magical. We stayed more in the south of the island after being at Villa ChaCha and it was a complete different vibe with more noise, tourists and crowded beaches. I would recommend Villa ChaCha to anyone who wants a relaxing, quiet getaway.
歡迎光臨,該飯店歡迎您來到帕岸島。泰國素叻府 我們的度假村位於西海岸的哈林海灘和活動中心。美麗的 Haad Rin Noi 海灘提供了一個寧靜而豪華的休閒區。適用於歡迎所有顧客的休閒區。在寧靜美麗的環境中放鬆、恢復、忘記一生的回憶。我們的飯店提供範圍廣泛的舒適住宿,採用北歐斯堪的納維亞風格精心裝飾,可滿足所有顧客的需求。如果您想要或您的家人正在尋找一個有趣的假期。房間是為你準備的。我們寬敞的別墅佈置高雅,並配備了所有便利設施。收集各種活動,讓您在逗留期間更加美好。在閃閃發光的室外游泳池暢遊。在躺椅上俯瞰或在海灘上擺姿勢,在帕岸島的這個海濱度假勝地放鬆身心。盡情享受泰式按摩。健康的精油和足部按摩以及其他有益於您健康的美容 在我們的餐廳品嚐泰國和國際美食。享用地道的泰國美食放鬆身心。或者在我們的大型池畔酒吧與旅客一起享用茶點。海灘海景和日落景觀在該飯店,我們以提供卓越的服務而自豪,讓您的住宿成為一個難忘的基地。也允許並要求我們遵守收到的索賠的員工。您的潛在客戶已準備好接收個人訊息和建議,將時間倒流到令人難忘的問題上。盡情享受帕岸島熱情好客的多方面美學,在我們的所有度假村融合之後找到放鬆的需要。適合您的招待會 創造難忘的回憶 The charmer 對你們所有人表示感謝和祝福。我們歡迎您從帕岸島來到天堂。
It is an expensive place and you expect 5 star service, so the accommodation was well built but very minimalistic and the staff was not that helpful
I order taxi for 2 people and after 1 hour a bike came
I asked to add days to my stay and one staff confirm while the hotel was fully booked already,
Really need to work on the service and it will be perfect