

4/520 評價
Super mooi hotel ontbijt was net als overal Medewerkers waren heel aardig Komen zeker nog eens terug hier Top bedden
3.6/52 評價
4.5/56 評價
tres bel endroit, au cœur de la medina dans une ruelle tranquille. le gardien est très accueillant et gentil, et la femme de maison l'ai tout autant en plus d'être une superbe cuisinière ( tajine de poisson delicieuse). Riad très propre et plein de charme, superbe vue depuis les toits. merci pour ce beau moment, Manon, Nicolas et Raphaëlle
4.5/537 評價
My partner is Moroccan and I am Mexican-American, we are not married. We just spent 35 days in Morocco and traveled to 9 different cities and stay together in all but 1 of them. We are aware that unmarried couples are not allowed to stay in the same room at some hotels/riads, if at least one is Moroccan. So we made sure to always book at places we called beforehand to check with and make sure we were able to stay together. We called this place and they said no. We were going to find a new place to stay but THEY CALLED US back and said we were welcome. We arrived at check in time, and we were not allowed to stay in the same room. The same person my partner spoke with was there, she claimed he misunderstood when she said we were welcome. He is Moroccan, he speaks the language and there is no way he misunderstood. Also, why would they call us back just to say we are not welcome? She wanted us to book a second room. This would’ve been fine if we chose this place under the impression that we needed two rooms and we were okay with that. This was not the case. I could see her desperation when we were walking out, she really wanted us to get two rooms. My partner is Moroccan and I am Mexican-American, we are not married. We just spent 35 days in Morocco and traveled to 9 different cities. We are aware that unmarried couples are not allowed to stay in the same room at some hotels/riads, so we made sure to always book at places we called beforehand to check with. We called this place and they said no. We were going to find a new place to stay but THEY CALLED US back and said we were welcome. We arrived at check in time, and we were not allowed to stay in the same room. The same person my partner spoke with was there, she claimed he misunderstood when she said we were welcome. He is Moroccan, he speaks the language and there is no way he misunderstood. She wanted us to book a second room. This would’ve been fine if we chose this place under the impression that we needed two rooms and we were okay with that. This was not the case. The receptionist proceeded to tell me that she could not give me a refund because I booked through Expedia.com but that I could go ahead and get it from them. Once I called *******, she DENIED the refund! Claiming it is in their policy that they can deny service to unmarried couples. We know this law, this is why we called! These people were terrible! Tricking us into booking with them so that they could later make us get a second room or simply keep our money without providing the service. We had to walk for 6 hrs, with our luggage, to find a new place for us to stay! Just Terrible! This reservation was non-refundable (if I canceled or didn’t show up), and I was comfortable with that since we called to check and we were told we were welcome. When they turned us away, I requested a refund and the receptionist proceeded to tell me that she could not give me a refund because I booked through Expedia.com, but that I could
4.2/526 評價
酒店別的我啥都不說,我就跟大家講講我的遭遇:如果不是親身經歷,我無論如何不會想到這樣的事會發生在我身上。簡直像做了一場夢。 下午一直在酒店休息,晚上9點鐘有點餓了,想出去吃的東西。當我想從箱子裏取東西時,發現箱子壞了,一邊的密碼鎖可以開開,另一半打不開,無論我怎麼弄就是不行。我告訴自己要冷靜,先別著急。於是我走到樓下的咖啡廳,喝了一杯鮮榨的牛油果汁,喝完以後我到前台,跟服務員說我的箱子壞了,可不可以找人幫我修理一下。正說著從電梯裏下來一個人,前台意思讓他幫我看看。看穿的衣服感覺像是酒店的電工之類的人,他跟我上樓一看,不行,還是打不開,就找來各種工具,一陣捅啊弄啊的,還是不行,而且不會英語,衹會阿拉伯語,我們倆連說帶筆劃的說了半天,最後還是不行,他說他弄不了,我說那我自己鼓弄一會,如果還是不行,我再找他。當時已經晚上10點多了,他說他要下班了,但是有別人值班。這些都是用翻譯軟件翻譯的。 然後他就走了,我一個人守着壞箱子在想對策,突然有人敲門,我開門一看,那個修理工又回來了,還帶來一個大個的男人,巴拉巴拉說一通意思是他下班了,這個小夥子上夜班,讓他幫我試試吧! 小夥子又是鼓弄一番,把工具都用了個遍,還是不行。也不會說英語,用軟件交流。他說明天可以買一個新的箱子,然後把這個箱子撬開。我跟他說,我明天一早就要去丹吉爾,等不到商場開門。但是我的衣服和錢都在箱子裏,我今天必須打開它,否則我哪也去不了。 我們嘗試各種辦法都不行,他想了好像突然想起什麼,然後意思下樓去。我穿好衣服下樓找他,他在咖啡廳跟一個要下班的女服務員和一個正數錢的男人在嘰裏咕嚕地討論,我感覺就是在說我箱子的事。然後我跟他們說,我現在必須買一個新的箱子,來替換壞的箱子,但是現在商場都關門了,我不知道去哪裡買,而且我身上也沒有錢,而且明天一早我就要去坐大巴去另一個城市。他們也聽不懂,一頭霧水。旁邊正要下班的女服務員就是我買牛油果汁時幫我端過來的人,她可以聽懂一點,就幫我們互相翻譯。 然後女服務員告訴我,等一下馬上就走。我說去哪裡?她說去可以買箱子的地方。我說怎麼會有這麼晚還營養的地方?當時已經晚上11點多了。她說找找看吧! 我想死馬當活馬醫吧,事到如今衹能看我的運氣了。過了幾分鐘,數錢先生好像是在給咖啡廳算賬,都結完了,以最迅速的動作關燈,鎖門,然後我們這幾個人呼嚕呼嚕往外跑。 女孩本來是應該下班了,可是剩下我跟另外兩個人說話互相聽不懂,她決定留下給我們翻譯。然後我們坐着賬房先生的車,在得土安深夜的街巷中穿行。 此時大部分店鋪都已經關門了,走着走着,司機開始往後倒車,我不知道怎麼回事,一會看到後面開過來一輛車,司機遞過來着一個鐵片,然後賬房先生接過來我一看,原來是輪轂外麪的裝飾掉下來了,他趕快跑去裝上。看着他無奈的表情逗的我們幾個哈哈大笑。此時我幾乎忘了自己的箱子事,跟幾個素不相識的人在一起,卻有一種特別踏實的感覺。衹有踏實才能這麼輕鬆的笑出聲來。 車子轉了幾圈,在一個賣箱包的店鋪門口停了,能感覺到,同車的人都送了一口氣,為我快要解決難題而感到高興。 然後他們陪我一起進去挑選箱子,看哪個質量好,問價錢,女孩就幫我翻譯。最後挑了一個比較滿意的箱子 。 可是一摸兜,錢不夠。女孩示意我別擔心,一會賬房先生過來.,把我剩下沒付的錢補齊。他把箱子放上車,然後駛回酒店。半路女孩下回家了。 到了酒店,修理工小伙和賬房大叔一起到我房間,繼續撬箱子,費了九牛二虎之力終於把箱子從後面拆開了。我把東西都拿出來挪到新箱子裏。此時已經是凌晨一點多了。 我不知道該如何感謝他們,更不知道該如何用他們聽得懂的語音來表達。我把我帶來準備路上吃的辣椒醬和茶都拿出來分給他們。他們不停的謝我,而我也不停的謝他們。 後來才知道瘦的大叔是樓下咖啡廳的財務總監叫瑞德萬,男青年叫默罕默德,女孩叫葉思敏。一切都弄好了,他們才放心的離開。 我目送他們走遠,一個人回到房間,獃獃地坐着,又困又乏,但是心裏無法平靜,這幾個在異國他鄉的人毫無條件地幫助我這個來去匆匆的陌生人,而且他們好像並不覺得這是什麼大事,就好像一件非常稀鬆平常的小事,在他們的生活之中隨時隨地都會發生一樣。 現在是凌晨時間3點了,還有幾個小時我就要離開得土安了,我知道註定今晚無眠[流淚][流淚][流淚]
4.1/53 評價



最高價格IDR 4,055,697
最低價格IDR 320,692
平均價格 (週末)IDR 1,487,074
平均價格 (平日)IDR 1,471,297