

3.7/51 評價
4/534 評價
晚餐早餐看得出用心,稀飯還加了甘藷,除了小饅頭,還有蛋餅,佛手瓜 非常的嫩甜,筍子好吃。每一種青菜,都是自家種的高山蔬菜,現摘的,非常脆甜!老闆人50歲,看起來像30歲,上得了廳堂,下得了廚房,我們吃的菜是他炒的,他自家生產阿里山咖啡,一肚子的咖啡經。了不起
4.1/530 評價
不過不失的飯店,只是休息用的話是還可以的。 地點不錯,附近有燒烤跟便利商店。 要去巿場大概步行5分鐘,去玻璃鞋那邊就要20分鐘左右。 2300後出去後門出入位置較隱蔽,附近流浪狗也不少,要小心安全。
3.8/53 評價
環境優雅景色秀麗,又緊鄰曾文水庫風景區。村內設有撞球檯、運動器材、游泳池等設施,是一個非常適合休閒渡假的地方。 村裡有停車場,停車非常方便。 歐式套房設計,浴室與廁所分離,感覺比較舒適。臥床寬敞舒適,但馬桶不是免治馬桶,感覺弱了點。電視只提供數位電視節目,應有改善空間。早餐採汽車旅館外買模式,尚可接受。
5/52 評價
3.4/562 評價
For the price you'd think they'd spend some of their huge profits on upkeep of the rooms. The bathroom was full of mould, the bathtub had been siliconed to the walls, but have pulled away. The entire bathroom needs renovating. The bedroom was on a very badly installed floating floor. There were electrical wires hanging loose from the night stand. The WiFi and set top box were jamed between the TV and wall. The lights didn't work properly, one flicking for minutes afyer the switch was off. The walls are super thin and guests should be reminded to be courteous of other guests, as I was woken at midnight by loud talking and laughing which didn't stop until 230am, and I was getting up at 345am for sunrise. The owner/reception needs to learn manners and how to operate a hotel, because (1) leave a note in English that when reception is unattended to go next door, (2) don't deny early check-in with the pretence the rooms weren't ready, because I checked all on the ground floor and all were ready, plus when I finally got to my room at 5pm the floor was wet in the bathroom and bedroom. (3) Learn some manners, which seems odd in Taiwan as everyone is well mannered, so maybe that's why her attitude stood out so much as she's surrounded by well mannered people. (4) Understand that travellers want peace of mind for left luggage, do at least pretend to make it secure. The room door was damaged both inside and near the lock on the outside. Provide a bathmat, well a few, coz the bathroom flooded so easily.


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